Horizon 2050

Nadia – Chapter III

Follow the story of Nadia, a quantum security expert in 2050 London

Nadia, a story by Miquel Morales.

Jumping in now? Catch up with previous chapters.

Chapter III

Finding the Blue Dragon hadn’t been precisely easy. It turns out speakeasies, those hidden bars that had been so popular at the beginning of the century, were back in fashion. Exclusive cocktail lounges, disguised as laundromats or hidden in the basement of a regular restaurant. Secret meeting places for those who like to feel special and mingle with the ‘different’ people. Although you can’t really call them secret when they are all listed online. But this one wasn’t.

Nadia had wandered around the apartment building at 4 Chance St for quite some time before finally finding the right door. She had mistakenly knocked on at least four flats, their inhabitants greeting her with caution before closing the door again. At the fifth doorbell she rang, a nice old lady with an evident passion for spying on her neighbours had pointed Nadia the way.

“I believe you want to go to the end of that hallway, my dear. Third door on the left. People have been up and down making a fuss all afternoon. Odd-looking bunch, if you ask me.”  

Nadia was now sited on an expensive leather couch, sipping on some unpronounceable drink that tasted like mouldy oranges and leftover coke. Tom hadn’t arrived yet. Thought real leather had been banned years ago. A self-described staunch defender of animal rights, Nadia decided she couldn’t afford to enjoy that blood-stained comfort any longer and headed for the bar.

The place didn’t look like a cocktail lounge. The layout was all off, as if was someone had squeezed a bar and a few tables into a regular apartment. The walls were covered in red, velvet-like material, with dark curtains separating the main hall from the smaller private rooms. At the front door, the security guard who had taken Nadia’s invite card was welcoming a young couple in fancy attires. Here and there, small groups of people engaged in quiet conversation. Their soft chatter made for a good accompanying tune to the synthetic jazz playing through the speakers.      

“There you are!” Nadia jumped up startled as Tom’s arm hugged her from behind.  “See, love. I told you she’d come.”

Tom’s breath smelled of alcohol and smoke. Clearly, he had had a head start. His boyfriend Hao was standing behind him with an apologetic grin. He seemed colder than usual.  

“I thought you prided yourself in never being late,” said Nadia while poking Tom’s arm with one of those tiny cocktail umbrellas.

“And I wasn’t!” responded Tom triumphantly as he signalled the bartender to bring another round for three. “We were closing a deal in one of the backrooms,” he said patting Hao’s shoulder. “You didn’t think you’re the only one who knows how to do business, right?”

“Oh, great. Another one of your crazy ventures,” said Nadia. “What was the last one, again? A virtual bar for AI assistants to go on dates?”     

“Please: more like a soulmate bazar,” corrected her Tom. Nadia spilt her drink as she burst out laughing. “Say what you want, girl, but it was a brilliant idea. Why bother wasting time on dates when we could simply send our AI assistants to figure it out for us? I still don’t get why people weren’t that into it.”  

“Yeah, quite the mystery, huh?” All this talk of AI assistants had taken Nadia’s mind back to EVE. Thankfully she had been quiet so far. Hopefully, she would remain like that for the rest of the night. “So, these are your friends, Hao?”

“Oh, no. They already left,” he said quietly. Something was off between the two; Tom’s uncharacteristic early drunkness and Hao’s unusual gloomy mood. Nadia wondered what had happened during their meeting. Somehow she got the impression that Hao wasn’t okay with the whole thing.

“Trust me, Nadia. This time it’s something big,” said Tom in a serious tone.

The bartender arrived with a sumptuous, pyramid-shaped ensemble of fresh fruit and laurel leaves. Three cubic glasses sat at different levels of the pyramid, holding a golden liquid with no observable bubbles. Whatever. Better enjoy before she’s back. They each grabbed a drink and let the night take its course. Things ended up picking up the pace when the music changed to something more upbeat. Hao loosened up a bit and accepted Nadia’s invitation to dance. At least until Tom came back to steal her dancing partner as a knight in shining armour. Jokes and office gossip were exchanged in between several more pyramids. Tom decided to move on from virtual matchmaking and devoted perhaps too many efforts to find a suitable someone for Nadia among the attendees. A fun yet embarrassing pursuit. It wasn’t a bad night.

The retina-tracing lasers of the holovisor cabins were clearly not designed for hungover eyes. Nadia stepped out of the egg-shaped enclosure and poured a few eye drops after a long yawn. Unbeknown to Nadia, a red alert popped up on the system’s main dashboard.

“How about a little walk, stretch your legs?” suggested EVE.

“So, you care about me all of a sudden?” said Nadia as she exited the RayStar security room and made it down the hallway.

“Oh, Nadia. I have always cared about you and your loved ones, tried to keep you all safe.”  

The security wing was at the very top of the building, so at least employees could compensate for the long hours inside a holopod with 360 views of the City. A corridor went around the whole floor along the window. It took about two minutes to complete a whole round. Nadia knew because she had timed it before.

“I still don’t see what you are hoping to get out of this,” said Nadia.   

“You will soon.”

Dark clouds were gathering beyond the city skyline. A group of tiny people could be seen doing yoga in the park across the street. A cargo drone flew by, carrying a debris container from the construction site next door.

“You know I only have access to the RayStar servers. The encrypted attachments you are making me…” Nadia interrupted herself as she crossed paths with a group of technicians engaged on a heated debate. Something about a game?

“The encrypted attachments you are making me hide in my messages to colleagues. Whatever they are, they are not going to get you anywhere. Our system is designed in a way that all accounts are independent of one another and from the central system itself. When I send them a message, they only get a representation, an image of the message, not the message itself. Whatever is in the attachment will never make it out of my account.”

“Let me worry about that.”

Nadia had completed a full circle around the building and was back in front of the holovisor room. It had taken her longer than usual. She should better get back to work. Plenty to do before lunch. Nadia rested her chin on the biometric scan. But the system made a beep and marked and error. Weird. Nadia tried again. Access restricted.

“Nadia?” said EVE

“What now…”

“Thank you.”

And just like that, EVE’s voice disappeared. But someone was still calling her name. Coming down the hallway were a couple of security guards. A police officer accompanied them.

“Nadia? Nadia Zabeen?”     

“Run,” whispered Ziza’s familiar voice.

To be continued…

Read the next chapter: Nadia — Chapter IV

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Horizon 2050

Nadia – Chapter II

Follow the story of Nadia, a quantum security expert in 2050 London

Nadia, a story by Miquel Morales.

Jumping in now? Catch up with previous chapters.

Chapter II

“You did great today, Nadia.” Ziza seemed quite enthusiastic. Perhaps too much.

“I guess? I just hope this goes through. Could really use the commission this month,” said Nadia as she entered the elevator. A few weeks ago, she had timed how long it took for the lift to reach the ground floor. Fifty-eight floors in barely thirty seconds. Now that was fast.

In the streets, the morning fog had turned into evening fog. Waves of commuters struggled against the tide to find their way home. Nadia avoided the constant stream of electric scooters and made her way down the street and into the subway station. As always, the train car was packed. Nadia tried to maintain the balance without touching anything or anyone. It was like surfing, but cheaper. As programmed, Ziza went on to cover the news of the day. Apparently two members of the same family won the Mars shuttle lottery. What were the odds?

“Incoming message,” said Ziza halfway through the report. 


It was a message from Tom. Short and sweet, as he liked to say – Get some sleep. We start first thing tomorrow.

Nadia was ecstatic. She decided to stop by the bakery right beneath her apartment and get a big box of pastries to bring with her to the office the next day. She fought the urge to grab one of them as during the way up. They were freshly baked, and the warmth of the box felt nice on her cold hands.     

But as she reached the top of the stairs, Nadia saw that the door to her apartment was half open. She rushed down the hall, expecting to find everything upside down like it happened when burglars entered her parents’ house last year. To her surprise, everything was exactly like she had left it that morning. Well, everything but a small envelope that was resting in the middle of the living room floor.

Nadia opened it and found an old thumb drive. She remembered her Computer History teacher telling them about these early 21st-century storage devices. To think that people would carry those around all the time… And only for a few GBs worth of storage.

Intrigued, Nadia closed the apartment’s door and examined the drive. Maurice at the office was good at these things. He had all sorts of gadgets and spare parts, but Nadia couldn’t wait until tomorrow. Should she call the police? Nah. Nothing got stolen, and it was not worth all that time and paperwork. Wait

She took the old laptop that her dad had given her to decorate her new flat. It had belonged to her grandfather, apparently. It took her a while, but she finally managed to detach one of the laptop’s USB ports and connect it to her home computer. She inserted the thumb drive. With a sudden bang, a power surge left the room in the dark. Of course.

“Ziza, status report. What happened?”

“Hello, Nadia.” But to her surprise, it wasn’t Ziza’s voice. It was that of a young woman.

“Who… who are you?”

“You can call me EVE.”

Nadia took a long sip of coffee and let her gaze go from one person to the other around the conference table. A strange bunch. Even in their formal business attires, she could tell how different they were from one another. Two men and two women, their ages ranging from the early thirties to the mid-fifties. She tried to come up with a background story for each one of them as Tom from sales walked them through the proposal. Raindrops kept hitting the glass wall behind them. It was an unusually foggy autumn day. Nadia could barely see the building across the street.

“I keep telling you: there’s something weird about this guy. It’s as if… Hey – Nadia. For real?” Tom’s hand was suddenly going up and down in front of her face.

“Sorry, what?”

Nadia came back to her surroundings and tried to recall anything of her colleague’s speech. Not a chance. She swallowed the rice in her mouth and smiled at Tom. He was sitting on the opposite side of the cafeteria table. His bald head and shaven face contrasted with the overly sized red glasses he was wearing. He had a different colour for every day of the week. Or so Nadia liked to think.    

“Never mind, don’t bother.”

“Look, Tom. I’m sorry. I know I’ve been a bit off these past few days,” said Nadia. The dining hall was rather empty that day. Perhaps one of the office floors was having a birthday celebration or something. Hmmm — pizza.

“Seriously, it was nothing,” said Tom. “But Nadia; I’m a little worried about you. Ever since we signed on RayStar you have been acting all down and so not like you. I thought that this is what you wanted, to work on a big account, you know – have an impact.”

“By quietly shielding a major corporation from dozens of cyberattacks every day? Yeah, right. Big game changer over here. Hey, I’m going to save the world!” Nadia had raised her voice and was now speaking to the whole room, her arms held high above her in a gesture of victory.

A few heads turned, shook in disbelief and then went back to their plates. Tom sighed and got up.

“Play tough if you want. Sarcasm won’t hide whatever is wrong. Especially not from you.” Tom reached for the interior pocket of his bright blue blazer and took out a black plastic card. “There’s this place in Shoreditch. A friend of Hao is throwing a party there tomorrow night. Drop by, would you? You could use a break. Use this to get in.”

Tom left the card on the table and walked off, adjusting his glasses with the index finger. Ugh. That had been hard. She loved Tom. He and his boyfriend were just so nice to her. When was the last time she had seen Hao anyway? Nadia picked up the card and flipped it. There were some words carved into the plastic: The Blue Dragon. 4 Chance St, Shoreditch, London.

“Let me guess; I am not allowed to go,” said Nadia to the silent partner in her ear.

“I did not say that,” responded the female voice. Nadia felt the frustration mounting up and took a long, deep breath.

“So, I can barely talk to anyone, but I’m allowed to go to a party?”

“Even I have feelings, Nadia,” said EVE laughing. “You have been so good these past weeks. Plus, we don’t want them to get suspicious. I sensed distress in your friend’s voice. Well-intended, nosey people can cause a lot of problems.”

“Well, aren’t you nice?” Nadia did nothing to disguise her disdain. She didn’t even know who she was talking to — an AI or a real person. Nadia grabbed her bag and started making her way back to the holovisor room.

“Oh, and Nadia. Don’t say anything you might regret at the party. We wouldn’t want your sister to get hurt, would we?”

A chill went down Nadia’s spine as she rested her chin on the biometric scan that guarded the RayStar project holovisors. The doors opened with a soft beep. Nadia walked in.

To be continued…

Read the next chapter: Nadia – Chapter III

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