Job Descriptions Web Developer

Android Developer: Job Description

A look at the role of the Android Developer. Learn all about the required skills, background, and main duties of this position in our job description.

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Mobile technology is growing exponentially in our society, which is why the profession of the Android Developer keeps attracting growing interest.

A competitor to Apple’s iOS, Android is Google’s mobile operating system and can be found in a multitude of smartphones, tablets and other connected objects. Many developers, therefore, choose to work on Android.

But what are the qualities and skills required to position for these booming job offers? How can one become an Android Developer? And also, what level of compensation can you expect from this type of work? Find the answers in our job description.

Also discover our special guide: IT Job Hunting Done Well: A Step-by-Step Guide

Android Developer: the job

The role of the Android Developer is to develop applications for all devices that run on this mobile operating system. As can be done with iOS and the Swift Developer.

Drafting of the specifications

The first step in the job is to analyse the client’s specifications and define the most appropriate technical solution. This is an essential part of starting a project, as it makes it possible to understand the objectives of the project and determine the development plan to be put in place.

Application development and testing phases

Then comes the stage of programming the application in accordance with the rules and constraints of the specifications. It is also in this second part of the process that the developer will carry out series of tests to verify that the functionalities meet the specifications and that they will meet the needs of the end-user.

Application submission and technical monitoring

In the event that the project consists of developing an application; once the programming is complete; the Android Developer is required to submit their project to Google Play; Google’s application store; and to correct any bugs that the application can run into afterwards. They must also ensure that they document their work to ensure proper transmission of information to other members of the IT team.

Required Skills

Have a solid knowledge of the mobile environment

Before even talking about the skills specific to the Google operating system, the developer must know all the challenges of the mobile web. They must know how to use the programming languages live ​​Java and Kotlin. But also have knowledge of other languages ​​such as C ++ and the Native Development Kit.

Being in the know regarding Android developments

A good Android Developer must always be up-to-date on the evolution of mobile technologies. And more particularly on the updates of the Android operating system to maintain their level of performance and to always the best solutions.

Mastery of English

Fluency in English is often required and allows the developer to understand different programming languages. As these are based on the English language.

Salary of the Android Developer

The average daily rate for an Android Developer is generally between 300 and 800 euros. It varies greatly depending on the level of experience and technical expertise.

Training and education of the Android Developer

There is no traditional training to becoming an Android Developer. A computer science university degree is often useful to acquire the basics of programming. However, it is possible to become an Android Developer on a self-taught basis.

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Want to discover another job description? Learn more about the role of Swift Developer.

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