Job Descriptions Project Manager

IT Product Manager: Job Description

The IT Product Manager is the figure responsible for the Product Life Cycle (PLC) of one or more IT products

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The position of IT Product Manager is naturally common in companies with an IT production activity. His/her primary role is to manage the various IT resources available to the company. And check that they are in line with the company’s information systems policy. This position is also called operations manager or technical account manager.

In this article, you will find a detailed description of the IT Product Manager’s job, the required skills, salary expectations, and educational background.

Also read our article about Project Management, roles, skills and career paths

IT Product Manager: the job description

This professional only works internally in organizations that produce or sell software or applications. He/she may also be in charge of the commercial dimension of the product itself.

The IT Product Manager, therefore, deals with the production of one or more IT products, the planning of their development, and, in some cases, also defines the marketing strategies adapted to achieve the business objectives.

IT Product Manager main tasks

The main activities of the IT Product Manager may include the design of new IT solutions and the redefinition of the functionalities of existing IT products. In the latter case, the IT Product Manager analyzes the tools in use, detects possible problems, identifies the expert who can solve them, and also the moment of their launch.

This professional figure also ensures that the IT products for which he/she is responsible reflect the strategy and objectives of the business.

During the product design and implementation phases, the IT Product Manager can collaborate with different teams made up of a wide variety of people, such as the developer, the UX Designer, and the Software Tester.

Monitoring the performance of the IT production system

The IT Product manager is responsible for optimizing production, finding the best hardware and software solutions, and IT operations of the company. They are also responsible for backing up and archiving the data produced.

Reliability manager

As a reliability manager, the security of the data produced and the quality of the networks are critical. With the huge evolution of companies to digital technology, data production is increasing and becoming indispensable for any business. This also includes operational maintenance in terms of quality, security, and cost of IT services.

Coordinating the work of the production team

One of the responsibilities of the IT Product Manager is to supervise the production team. He or she is responsible for coordinating the operations technicians, system administrators, and operations engineers. This also includes managing the technical resources required for a successful operation.

Required skills of the IT Product Manager

But, what does it take to be a IT Produc Manager? Here are the main required skills of this professional.

Knowledge of the system architecture

As a manager, it is essential to have a thorough understanding of the IT structure in which one works. This includes mastery of the server operating system and the IT tools present during the production process.


Since they are responsible for a team and in charge of coordinating it among several professions, IT Product Managers must be orderly and uncompromising.

Stress resilience

At the heart of the production, he or she is constantly under pressure because the operational maintenance of the business requires him or her to be vigilant.


Because of the increasing use of data by companies, the role of the IT Product manager is becoming increasingly important.

Salary expectation of the IT Product Manager

For this type of position, a minimum of 5-10 years of experience in IT production as a production analyst or programmer analyst is required. The average daily rate is 550 e per day.

Education and training

This position of IT Product Manager requires a five-year degree from an engineering school or university.

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