Cybersecurity Tech Magazine

Mobile Application Security Development Cheat Sheet

The development of mobile applications presents some unique security challenges compared to web applications and other forms of software. Therefore, this cheat sheet provides guidance on security considerations for mobile application development. It is a starting point for developers to consider security in mobile application development.

Don’t just build apps; build secure digital experiences

Download your essential guide to fortifying your applications from the ground up. From secure architecture principles to user authentication best practices, this cheat sheet is your go-to resource for ensuring airtight security in every line of code. To do so, download our comprehensive Mobile Application Security Cheat here.

Why Mobile App Security Matters

mobile application security

Security is not an afterthought; it’s the foundation. A secure mobile app starts with a secure design. Following principles like least privilege, defense in depth, and separation of concerns lays the groundwork for a robust security architecture. In addition, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) provide industry standards and best practices to guide developers in creating applications with security at their core.

Also read our article about Web Development programming skills and professions

The Building Blocks: Architecture & Design

Architecture & Design
  • Secure by Design: Opt for a secure design at the inception of development. Security should not be an add-on but an integral part of the development process.
  • Secure APIs: The communication between your mobile app and backend services must be secure. Utilize OAuth2, JWT, or similar protocols for authentication.
  • Principle of Least Privilege: Only request the permissions your app needs. This applies to both user-granted device permissions and permissions granted by backend services.
  • Supply Chain: Third-party libraries bring efficiency but can also introduce security unknowns. Ensure app signing, use trusted libraries, and establish controls for updates, patches, and releases.

Ensuring User Authentication & Authorization

Authentication & Authorization

Authentication is a complex landscape, and overlooking it can lead to significant pitfalls. Here’s how to navigate it securely:

  • Don’t Trust the Client: Perform authentication/authorization server-side. Load data on the device only after successful authentication.
  • Credential Handling: Never hardcode credentials. Encrypt them during transmission and consider secure, revocable access tokens.
  • Password and PIN Policy: Enforce password complexity, disallow short PINs, and use platform-specific secure storage mechanisms.
  • Biometric Authentication: Utilize platform-supported biometric authentication methods with a reliable fallback, such as a PIN.
  • Session Management: Implement timeouts, remote logout features, and use randomly generated session tokens.

Protecting User Data: Data Storage & Privacy

Data Storage & Privacy
  • Data Encryption: Encrypt sensitive data both at rest and in transit. Use platform APIs for encryption; avoid implementing custom encryption algorithms.
  • Data Leakage: Then, beware of potential leaks through caching, logging, and background snapshots. Refer to the Logging Cheat Sheet to safeguard against data that should not be logged.
  • Use HTTPS: Also, always use HTTPS for network communications. Ensure third-party libraries are secure and up-to-date.

Navigating Network Communication Challenges

Navigating Network Communication Challenges
  • Don’t Trust the Network: Firstly, assume all network communication is insecure and can be intercepted.
  • Use Secure Protocols: Then, employ HTTPS for all network communication. Avoid mixed-version SSL sessions.
  • Certificate Pinning: Also, consider certificate pinning to enhance security.

User Interface Best Practices

User Interface Best Practices
  • UI Data Masking: Mask sensitive information on UI fields to prevent shoulder surfing.
  • User Notifications: Keep users informed about security-related activities, such as logins from new devices.
  • Input Validation: Validate and sanitize user input. Refer to the Input Validation Cheat Sheet for detailed insights.

Code Quality: A Developer’s Responsibility

Code Quality
  • Application security testing: Use tools for vulnerability identification, such as SAST (Static Application Security Testing), DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing) and IAST (Interactive Application Security Testing).
  • Code Reviews: Make security a focus during reviews.
  • Update Libraries: Keep libraries up to date to patch vulnerabilities.
  • Software composition analysis (SCA): Identify the open source software in a codebase.

Ensuring Application Integrity & Testing Strategies

Ensuring Application Integrity & Testing Strategies
  • Application Integrity: Disable debugging, validate code integrity, and obfuscate the app binary.
  • Testing: Conduct penetration testing, automated tests, and usability testing to ensure robust security features.

Post-Deployment Considerations

Post-Deployment Considerations
  • Incident Response: Firstly, have a clear incident response plan in place.
  • Updates: Then, plan for regular updates and patches. Implement mechanisms to prompt users to update their app versions when necessary.
  • Monitoring and Analytics: Also, use real-time monitoring to detect and respond to potential threats.

Platform-Specific Guidance

Platform-Specific Guidance
  • Android: Use ProGuard for code obfuscation. Avoid storing sensitive data in SharedPreferences.
  • iOS: Implement App Transport Security (ATS) for secure network communication. Avoid storing sensitive data in plist files.

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