Job Descriptions Web Developer

Web Development, programming skills and professions

As the term itself suggests, Web Development is about building (developing) the application from scratch for the web. It is therefore about websites, web pages or anything else that runs on the Internet.

So, delving a little deeper into IT & Tech terminology, web development refers to the development of programming source code, the creation and organization of databases and markup languages, network protocols, web servers and computer security.

To start with, we will take a look at how to create a website and when it is necessary and recommended to contact a web developer. Furthermore, we will talk about the different specializations of web development.

1. How to create a website

Wed development - how to create a website

Today, creating a website is not as difficult as it used to be. It is not necessary to have a technical or computer background. To create a dynamic website, it is sufficient to be able to install a CMS (Content Management System) software such as WordPress or Joomla on a hosting space and that’s it.

Consequently, anyone can put a simple website online themselves and manage it easily with a publication control panel.

Although CMS software is a perfect solution for creating a blog or a small web magazine, CMSs are not suitable for the development of more complex websites.

If the website is the front-end interface of other corporate information systems, it still requires design (web engineering) and programming (web development) skills.

According to the company’s needs, computer language professionals work on all the website’s functionalities. They then propose tailor-made solutions to fulfil their mission in the company.

Also explore the role of Web developer and Robotics Engineer

1.1 How a website works

A website is a set of hypertext documents and multimedia elements (images, videos, etc.) organized in web pages. In other words, the webmaster uploads the document files onto the web space of a server computer (host) connected to the Internet 24 hours a day.

Today, web developers are increasingly in demand. Indeed, the rapid developments in the IT sector and the digital transformation that all companies must manage have led to a strong demand for new programs, websites and applications. No company can do without a web presence, so it will need an IT professional who can structure and manage it in an appropriate and up-to-date form.

When users (client) connect to the host’s address via their browser, the server sends them the requested hypertext document. In this way, users can navigate between documents on remote computers, even on the other side of the world.

Also discover the role of a Web Designer

2. Difference between Internet and Web

Although people use them as synonyms, internet and web are not the same thing. The Internet was born about twenty years before the web. The Internet (network of networks) is the technological infrastructure, while the web (World Wide Web, better known as WWW) is a protocol.

2.1 From web 1.0 to web 2.0

Over the last twenty years, web development has evolved from the first generation to the second ( web 2.0 ). Web 2.0 is the era of social media, social networks and CMSs.

2.2 What is web 3.0?

In the coming years it will further evolve to the third generation ( web 3.0 ) with the spread of intelligent websites with artificial intelligence. It is a technological revolution that has already begun. Just think of chatbots, online virtual assistants and the recent improvements in the use of the Internet.

Another evolving trend is RPA (Robotic Process Automation) that promotes productivity gains through the automation of business processes.

Also explore the role of RPA Consultant, highly sought-after profile in today’s business world, particularly in digital services companies.

2.3 Responsive and mobile websites

Web development is no longer just about the PC platform, but multiplatform, because users access the web with different devices, including mobile (e.g. tablets, smartphones, consoles).
Therefore, it is necessary to develop a responsive website that automatically adapts the layout to the device used by the user.

As mobile technology is growing exponentially, so are IT professions related to app development. The role of the Android Developer is to develop applications for all devices that run on this mobile operating system.

Also explore the skills needed to position yourself for the booming job role of Android Developer.

3 Frontend & Backend Web Development

In addition, let’s delve a little deeper into the web development field and see how different IT specialized professionals work to develop a website for the internet.

There are two classifications for the Web Development:

  • Frontend Development
  • Backend Development

Frontend Development refers to the part of a website that the user interacts directly. For this reason developers call it the ‘client side’ of the application.

Backend Development is the server side of a website (the part of the website that users cannot see and interact). The portion of software that does not come in direct contact with the users and where developers store and arrange data.

Also read our article about Mobile Application Security Development Cheat Sheet

3.1 Who is the Front End Developer

Web development frontend

The front end developer is the IT professional figure who is responsible for creating the graphical interface of a website or web portal, inserting the elements in the page, styling them (colours / fonts) and animating them.

Furthermore, in the modern web, the front end developer is also responsible for:

  • interacting with the back-end (to which it sends and from which it receives information to be displayed within the web page);
  • developing the logic of what happens in the interface.

What follow is a roadmap with a brief description of the languages and tools involved in the development of the front end.

  • HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is used to design the front end of web pages using markup language. It acts as a skeleton for a website, as it is used to make the structure of a website.
  • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) affectionately called CSS, is a language designed simply to simplify the process of making web pages presentable. It is used to style our website.
  • JavaScript is a scripting language used to provide dynamic behaviour to our website.
  • Bootstrap is a collection of free and open-source tools for creating responsive websites and web applications. It is the most popular CSS framework for developing responsive and mobile-first websites. Nowadays, websites are perfect for all browsers (IE, Firefox and Chrome) and all screen sizes (Desktops, Tablets, Phablets and Phones).

With the appearance of new frameworks, the professions around web development are more and more specific and a large number of professionals specialize in a particular technology. Among the different possible specializations is the front-end developer AngularJS.

Also, learn more about AngularJS Developer skills

3.2 Who is the Back End Developer

Web development backend

On the other hand, the back end developer deals with the structure of a website or web application. Back-end developers take also care of the functioning of the site and the management of the data they need to process.

Therefore it is important is to know the basic functioning of most languages and to choose one according to its particularities. Rather than talking about languages, let’s talk about the tools that developers use to implement the functionalities of a site.

As before, here is a roadmap of the back-end development tools.

  • PHP is a server-side scripting language designed specifically for web development.
  • Java is one of the most popular and widely used programming language. It is highly scalable.
  • Python is a programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more efficiently.
  • Node.js is an open source and cross-platform runtime environment for executing JavaScript code outside a browser.
  • Back End Frameworks are: Express, Django, Rails, Laravel, Spring, etc

C is a general-purpose language from the 70s, and it is still in use in systems programming and robotics. C++ was born in the 1980s. It is the language of choice for those looking for performance, as it can execute complex code very fast. It is used for the design of mobile applications, the programming of operating systems or video games. Moreover, in the creation of certain military programs.

Want to know more about the role of C/C++ Developer?

3.3 Back-End programmer skills

Web development back-end programmer skills

Also read our Back-End Developer detailed job description

The skills of the backend programmer are:

  • Back-end languages (PHP, Python, Java, C#, .Net etc.);
  • Databases, where developers store the data they need to manage. The types of database is versatile and adapt to the needs of the system;
  • Server, it is important for a backend developer to be able to take care of the online appearance of the site and its maintenance.

There are many specialties and languages in the field of web development, including Swift, Node.js, React.js or Ruby.
Ruby is a free object-oriented and multi-paradigm programming language that is easy to understand and pleasant to use.

Also discover the role of the Ruby developer.

4. What the Full Stack Developer does

web development full stack

What characterizes the full stack developer is the ability to develop both the front end and the back end of a website. Therefore, the knowledge of the full stack developer includes everything that characterizes the two types of developers we have seen above.

An IT professional capable of dealing with the structure of web pages, their styling, animations, creating data structures, designing databases and implementing site functionality. Full Stack developers are familiar with all languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, etc.

Despite this vast knowledge, it is very difficult for such professionals to develop a website completely on their own. In fact, their task is mainly to collaborate with front and back end developers and support them in the realization of particular functionalities.

5. Programming languages for creating a website

As we have seen in the different specializations of web development, a programming language is a computer language used by programmers to communicate with computers. It is therefore a set of instructions written in a specific language to perform a specific task.

In conclusion, this is a list of the most widely programming languages used by the industries :

  • HTML language
  • PHP language
  • ASP language
  • Javascript language
  • Java language
  • Python language
  • CSS style sheets
  • C language
  • C++ language
  • C# language
  • R language
  • Go language
  • Ruby language
  • Swift

The IT professional that translate a graphic language into a computer language is the HTML integrator. By assembling the different elements of a website, the HTML integrator makes sure that they are aligned with the desired aesthetic and maintain a practical design.

Also delve deeper into the role of the HTML integrator

Some languages are gaining importance with the evolution of the semantic web, including: Open Graph Markup. Very useful to explain the content’s context of a page and gain control of the snippets.

6. Web Development and Cybersecurity Best Practices

IT professionals involved in Web Development need to have a good understanding of the importance of digital hygiene and web safety. In order to avoid common website security attacks, it is crucial to follow the highest cybersecurity standards across the development cycle.

Some cybersecurity good practices to put in place are as follows:

  • Ensure that the development team has attended cybersecurity training.
  • Set up a web application firewall (WAF).
  • Use parameterized statements in SQL tests.
  • Keep all security platforms and applications up to date.
  • Partition user data away from API file systems.

These good cybersecurity practices will help reduce human error (which contributes to an estimated 85% of data breaches). They will also increase the quality of applications.

Making cybersecurity a priority throughout every development cycle is therefore necessary to to battle the flood of digital attacks that threaten the modern web.

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web developer job

Job Descriptions Project Manager

Scrum Master: Job Description

Use our template to create a compelling and comprehensive Scrum Master job description to attract top talent.

The term Scrum comes from rugby. The job of Scrum Master is similar to the position of scrum half. The Scrum Master is responsible for pushing the others in the right direction by promoting team unity and communicating with the outside world, especially management. The Scrum Master therefore acts as a guide to help and facilitate the work of the team, with a view to improvement and adaptation.

Scrum Master: the job

Implementation of the Scrum method

The Scrum Master is responsible for ensuring that the Scrum method is implemented correctly throughout his assignment with a client. Scrum is an agile method dedicated to project management which allows to improve the productivity of a team. It corresponds to an organisation in which a team focuses on customer feedback with regard to 3 pillars. Transparency, control and adaptation.

Training of the team

One of the roles of the Scrum Master is to ensure that the Scrum method is applied by his team throughout the mission. To do this, he is in charge of transmitting the essential principles of the method. He also ensures that communication, productivity, and the transmission of information to the people concerned are easy within his team.

Analysis of obstacles and problem management

He is also responsible for analysing any obstacles that could divert the team from the objectives to be achieved or slow them down in their work. He must also identify and provide solutions to the various problems that may arise during the mission.

Drafting of progress reports

Writing progress reports such as burndown charts or burnups and communicating with the customer or management are also part of a Scrum master’s job.

Scrum Master: skills required

Mastery of the Method

The mastery of the Scrum agile method is of course the main skill to have. He must be able to ensure its good practice during his mission.

Humility and empathy

He must see himself as an equal to the members of his team. Because, he has no hierarchical responsibility over the team members. He should be able to guide the team members but not impose himself. Everyone must be able to participate in the decisions.

Pedagogy and communication skills

In order to facilitate the work of all the members of his team during the mission, the scrum master must develop a good sense of communication and demonstrate pedagogy. In fact, in order to ensure that the mission is carried out correctly, he must be able to communicate, listen and motivate each member of the team.

Technical knowledge

For a Scrum Master, perfect knowledge of the application domain or technical expertise are not necessary skills. However, having knowledge of one and/or the other will make his role easier to fulfil. Indeed, he will be able to dialogue more easily with the technical team.

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A typical Scrum team is usually composed of 6 to 10 people. But only the Scrum Master is responsible for the application of the Scrum method. He is an integral part of the team and can occasionally participate in the work, such as the content of the sprints, with the rest of the members of his team. However, his or her involvement should be limited, as coordination, internal communication, analysis and problem solving is a role that the Scrum Master must perform full time.

Digital service companies and web agencies that handle projects for clients using agile methods are the main employers of Scrum Masters.


The average daily rate of a Scrum Master is 410 € – 620 € depending on the experience and the company in which the Scrum Master’s mission takes place.

He can also progress to positions such as Product Owner or Project Manager.

Training and education

This profession requires above all the mastery of Scrum on a theoretical and practical level. To do this, this professional generally follows an in-depth and structured training course on Scrum which ideally leads to a Scrum master certification.

Good technical knowledge will enable him to integrate and interact with his team members. It is therefore interesting for a Scrum Master to have a background in IT / Computer Science.

Here you can discover : Professional Scrum Master™ Certifications

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Job Descriptions Web Developer

Web developer: Job Description

Use our template to create a compelling and comprehensive Web developer job description to attract top talent.

Professionals in computer languages, the web developers work on all the functionalities of a website. From a set of specifications, they analyze the different needs of the company in which they carries out their mission. They then propose a tailor-made solution. Discover in our job description below their missions, skills, training and salary.

Web developer: the job

The Web developers intervenes on the technical functionalities of the site of the company in which they carries out their mission. The sectors of activity in which it operates can be very varied: transport, insurance, trade, etc.
In the company, they are functionally attached to the technical project manager.

Discover 11 Reasons Why you should to become a WebDeveloper

Technical analysis

When starting a mission in a new company, the first task of the web developers is to fully understand the needs and specifications of their client. It first lists the features requested in the specifications; then lists the existing solutions and checks for each feature whether or not it exists in the listed solutions. This initial work allows them to provide their opinion to the client on the most relevant technical solution to be implemented. They can then choose to completely build the site or decide to use an already existing solution. Such as Framework or CMS (Content Management System).

Website design

After the technical analysis, the web developer must design the website while respecting the specifications. The visual and technical architecture as well as the database of the site are determined during this stage.

Website programming

During the programming phase, they respect good practices and chooses the language used in the case where the site is fully developed. If it is built from an already existing solution, They make changes and adaptations to the solution that has been retained.

Testing and validation

After programming, the developers enter a testing and validation phase. They will be in charge of testing each functionality of the site as well as their good functionality between them. They will then have to validate all the expected functionalities and conduct validation tests.

Technical support and technology watch

The last step of the mission consists in following the evolution of the site created over time. It will be necessary to correct any problems and troubleshoot users. In addition, technologies are changing rapidly. It will be necessary to ensure the sustainability of the solutions implemented on the site; and, why not make them evolve with new programming languages, if necessary.

Web developer : skills required

Mastery of languages used for web development

To exercise this profession, it is essential to master the programming languages PHP, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, SQL, Java, ASP… You must also know how to use CMS and Framework tools, but also code editing tools.

Capacity for continuous self-training

The Internet and programming languages are changing rapidly. A good web developer must therefore be able to self-train on new programming concepts; on developments or new languages; and also on developments or new technical solutions (CMS and framework).


For some missions the web developers work alone. They must therefore be able to exercise they profession independently.


The web developer must be creative when designing a website.


The job of web developer has a bright future. Indeed, since its invention, the internet continues to evolve. Pushing the limits of creativity and development capabilities. Many companies do not have the skills or the personnel necessary to guarantee their effective presence on the Internet. They are therefore looking for web developer profiles.

After having worked on various projects, this professional can progress to the function of technical director and supervise several web developers. They can also move towards functions such as web technical project manager; IT Project Manager; webmaster; web architect; architect S.I.

Their average daily rate depends on several parameters such as their experience and specialty. It is between 350€ and 450€ per day.

Training and education of the Web developer

The best is to enter a training course delivering a bac +5 level diploma (specialized masters, engineering schools, masters in computer science, etc.). However, companies recruit web developers with varying levels of education.

Following a school education allows you to understand the structure of computer languages. But the future web developer will have to stay on constant watch to stay up to date.

Discover all the web development programming skills and professions

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Job Descriptions Project Manager

Agile Coach: Job Description

Use our template to create a compelling and comprehensive Agile Coach job description to attract top talent.

The Agile Coach is an agent of change for companies on the path to agility. It helps businesses transform over the long term. This professional trains and supports the various stakeholders of the company (Product Owner, Scrum Master, analysts, developers and testers), with the aim of bringing them to a common goal of agility. He or she leads, manages and animates organizational transformation projects through management and agile engineering practices.

The Agile Coaches support their interlocutors on best practices in defining needs, planning and development practices, pair programming, refactoring, etc. Overall, they ensure the progress of projects in all phases of the development cycle.

An agile transformation is a project that can be very complex for the company. A project that can end in failure for many reasons: management not very open to agile, change of direction and objectives … The Agile Coach must then know how to face the unforeseen and disappointments without losing his/her dynamism, and lead change.

Agile Coach: the job

Analyze the situation and propose an adapted organization

After having analyzed the existing organization, this professionals must make the choice of the agile methods to use and determine the roles within the teams.

Offer different practices and different frameworks to the team who will make their choices

They should not impose his ideas but lead the teams to make their own choices. They offer his methods to the team, who may or may not be free to apply them. The goal is to achieve the best possible results, guiding the team to gain autonomy for the future.

Supporting the entire company with change with fun workshops, training and excellent communication

The Agile Coaches can support teams in groups or individually, with a real role of trainer. It must make things fun so that the transformation is accepted voluntarily by all stakeholders. These can be group training sessions, job specific training, or participatory workshops to easily assimilate agile methods to the team.

This professionals are generally requested by large companies wishing to be supported in their agile transformation. However, it can very well support a person, a team or an organization.

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Required Skills

A high sense of leadership

The Agile Coaches train teams in agile methods and teaches them this new culture. They must become a mentor to people who want to evolve to improve performance.

Great educational qualities

Very good at communicating, they must be a comfortable teacher trainer in their interactions. Moreover, they must know how to adapt to the different situations encountered and to the different interlocutors. They must be able to present the project, to convince and to bring the team in the same direction.

A good technical mastery

The job of Agile Coach requires knowledge of agile project management approaches (Scrum, Kaban) & V-Cycle, as well as technical environments and design / development frameworks.


The salary of Agile Coaches varies depending on their experience. Thus, the average daily rate of an Agile Coach is between 300 and 700 €.

Training and education of the Agile Coach

To become an Agile Coach, you generally need to have a bac +5 level as a State Engineer in IT Development or in quality management.
Ideally, experience as a developer, within an IT department or as a pilot of production teams is preferable.

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ERP & SAP Job Descriptions

CRM Consultant: Job Description

Use our template to create a compelling and comprehensive CRM Consultant job description to attract top talent.

What is the role of the CRM consultant or expert? How to become a CRM consultant? What are the required skilled and the salary expectation? We tell it all in our CRM consultant job description.

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CRM consultant: the job description

A CRM (Customer Relationship Management) consultant; otherwise known as a CRM expert; is a specialist in customer relationship management software and customer relationship itself. When creating a call center, this professional assists in optimizing the relationship with customers. But also in making decisions relating to the choice of IT tools. Usually, a CRM expert works for an ESN or a BtoB agency. They can work in a large group or in small structures and is mainly required to work in collaboration with customer service, as well as with the marketing and web-marketing service.

The role of the CRM consultant is to define, configure, implement and manage the CRM software while promoting its positive impact on the company’s strategy. CRM Software is the backbone of any call centre. Indeed, the CRM software makes it possible to keep all the history of exchanges with customers and to manage the call lists on a daily basis. In choosing which CRM to implement, they can choose between independent CRM software or an ERP (including other business management modules). They manage the CRM software on a daily basis. That is to say, they take care of monitoring developments and finding new improvement strategies. Furthermore, they also collect data concerning customers and their life cycle, and carry out reports.

Discover more about what is ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)

The CRM consultant is also focused on determining the best strategies to increase customer loyalty and engagement. This professional thus sets up loyalty campaigns and works to understand which are the dissatisfied customers (detractors) and satisfied customers (promoters) by calculating the NPS score (Net promoter score).

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Required Skills

CRM Consultant skills

How to become a CRM consultant? The CRM consultant must have a perfect command of software packages dedicated to CRM. He or she must also possess solid knowledge in the areas of sales and marketing. Specializing in customer data analysis, it is important that he or she has knowledge and skills in data mining and brand optimization on search engines and social networks. The CRM consultant must demonstrate good analytical skills and be responsive to any changes they need to be able to detect. This professional must know how to approach a project as a whole.

A true specialist in customer relations, it is important that they know all the technical and strategic aspects. In addition, the CRM consultant must have a taste for contact, good listening skills and a sense of service. It is essential that the CRM consultant has a great spirit of synthesis and good adaptability.

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CRM Consultant Salary

How much does a CRM consultant make? The salary of a CRM consultant varies depending on the experience of the consultant. But also depending on the scope of their position and the size of the company. Indeed, some CRM consultants only work on the software aspect, while others will be responsible for a large part of the customer relationship.

Within a large group or small business, the salary range for this professional is wide. Generally speaking, a CRM consultant can earn close to €35,000 / year at the start of a career. At the end of his career, he can hope to earn more than €65,000 / year as a senior. The average salary of this professional is around €45,000 per year. The average daily rate for a CRM consultant developer is generally between $400 and $900.

Read more about 12 Best CRM Certifications in 2021 and 18 CRM Experts You Need to Follow

Training and education of the CRM Consultant

CRM Consultant Education

Different training courses allow you to become a CRM consultant, with a Bac + 4 or Bac + 5. Graduates from business or engineering schools are usually highly appreciated by employers. It is thus possible to enter a business school or an engineering school, with a diploma with a specialization in marketing or web marketing. You can take a Master in Marketing or International Marketing or join a communication or marketing school. There are also certifications for using software that are popular with employers, such as Salesforce certifications.

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Data & Business Intelligence Job Descriptions Web Developer

QlikView Developer: Job Description

Use our template to create a compelling and comprehensive QlikView Developer job description to attract top talent.

What is the role of the QlikView developer? Discover in this job description their missions, required skills, training and salary.

QlikView is one of the products of the Qlik company, a leading market leader in DataViz and BI tools alongside Tableau and Microsoft products like Power BI. Qlik is a company specialising in the development of data software, dashboards and self-service business intelligence products. 

To go into a little more detail, QlikView is a Business Intelligence platform facilitating self-service data interpretation. Thus, the QlikView solution enables big data analysis to be transformed into actionable insights. Globally, more than 24,000 companies use the QlikView platform. Thanks to its “Associative Difference” technology, the QlikView platform saves businesses time and allows users to easily consolidate, search, analyze and visualize their data. 

QlikView Developer: the job

Today, the use of big data has become commonplace and IT departments of enterprises are increasingly advanced in the use of BI solutions. This is where the QlikView Developer comes in. The role of this professional is to prepare prior data processing to adapt the tool to the business needs and the activities of the company. 

Their main missions are to collect and analyse business needs, write functional and technical specifications and implement the QlikView solution within the company. The QlikView Developer makes all the preparations for interpretation tools and data analysis tailored to each business. They are also responsible for modelling, designing and developing QlikView applications in line with the demands of the business. In addition, they ensure the correct and ongoing maintenance of the application. 

Required Skills

Technical skills

The QlikView developer should have a lot of technical skills related to the QlikView solution. They must know how to create a data model and a QlikView application. Moreover, they must be able to solve problems related to data structures. In addition, they must know how to define advanced uses of the script editor and master the concepts of synthetic tables and loops.

Read more about QlikView Dev tools

Communication and openness

In addition to technical skills, they must be a good listener. They must take into account the business environment, deal with the different actors with whom they work and take into account the needs and demands of different users. Also, they must have a good team spirit, a methodical spirit, and a sense of thoroughness and analysis. 

Passion and curiosity

The QlikView Developer should be curious about the advancements in the web environment and popular technologies, staying up to date with new evelopments in this area. It is important that they are passionate about computers and new technologies, and also curious, dynamic and motivated. 

Also read the differences between Big Data and Business Intelligence

Salary of the QlikView Developer

The average daily rate for a QlikView Developer is typically between 250 and 500 euros. 

Training and education of the QlikView Developer

To become a QlikView Developer, a bachelor’s degree in engineering is usually required. It is then possible to specialize in QlikView through specific training. There are also many online resources for professionals to learn QlikView.

Also discover more about IT skills with our Top IT Skills to Master in 2021 and about certifications with the Certification & Qualification FAQs

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Job Descriptions Web Developer

Android Developer: Job Description

Use our template to create a compelling and comprehensive Android Developer job description to attract top talent.

Mobile technology is growing exponentially in our society, which is why the profession of the Android Developer keeps attracting growing interest.

A competitor to Apple’s iOS, Android is Google’s mobile operating system and can be found in a multitude of smartphones, tablets and other connected objects. Many developers, therefore, choose to work on Android.

But what are the qualities and skills required to position for these booming job offers? How can one become an Android Developer? And also, what level of compensation can you expect from this type of work? Find the answers in our job description.

Also discover our special guide: IT Job Hunting Done Well: A Step-by-Step Guide

Android Developer: the job

The role of the Android Developer is to develop applications for all devices that run on this mobile operating system. As can be done with iOS and the Swift Developer.

Drafting of the specifications

The first step in the job is to analyse the client’s specifications and define the most appropriate technical solution. This is an essential part of starting a project, as it makes it possible to understand the objectives of the project and determine the development plan to be put in place.

Application development and testing phases

Then comes the stage of programming the application in accordance with the rules and constraints of the specifications. It is also in this second part of the process that the developer will carry out series of tests to verify that the functionalities meet the specifications and that they will meet the needs of the end-user.

Application submission and technical monitoring

In the event that the project consists of developing an application; once the programming is complete; the Android Developer is required to submit their project to Google Play; Google’s application store; and to correct any bugs that the application can run into afterwards. They must also ensure that they document their work to ensure proper transmission of information to other members of the IT team.

Required Skills

Have a solid knowledge of the mobile environment

Before even talking about the skills specific to the Google operating system, the developer must know all the challenges of the mobile web. They must know how to use the programming languages live ​​Java and Kotlin. But also have knowledge of other languages ​​such as C ++ and the Native Development Kit.

Being in the know regarding Android developments

A good Android Developer must always be up-to-date on the evolution of mobile technologies. And more particularly on the updates of the Android operating system to maintain their level of performance and to always the best solutions.

Mastery of English

Fluency in English is often required and allows the developer to understand different programming languages. As these are based on the English language.

Salary of the Android Developer

The average daily rate for an Android Developer is generally between 300 and 800 euros. It varies greatly depending on the level of experience and technical expertise.

Training and education of the Android Developer

There is no traditional training to becoming an Android Developer. A computer science university degree is often useful to acquire the basics of programming. However, it is possible to become an Android Developer on a self-taught basis.

Discover all the Web development programming skills and professions and the Best Android Bloggers, Experts, and Influencers to Follow in 2022

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IT Infrastructure Job Descriptions

SOC Analyst: Job Description

Use our template to create a compelling and comprehensive SOC Analyst job description to attract top talent.

The role of the SOC (Security Operation Center) analyst is to monitor a company’s information systems. They must detect all suspicious and malicious activity on computer networks, whether they come from the inside or the outside.

In a world where cyberattacks are increasingly present, this role has become essential.

SOC Analyst: the job

Risk prevention

As the first step in their intervention, the SOC analyst must do risk prevention. They must play an evangelising role within the organization, communicating with employees around cyber risks and providing users with best practices for IT security.

Interpret and process alerts

When the SOC analyst detects a security breach or malicious activity, they must determine its source and impact. Following this extensive investigative work, they must implement the most effective and rapid course of action to resolve the problem. They must then put in place mechanisms to avoid a new threat.

Monitor and keep watch

The world of cybersecurity is evolving at great speed and new threats are emerging every day. They need to keep watch on all the threats and vulnerabilities that exist, as well as on new ways to protect themselves from them. The goal? To better anticipate and respond to long-term threats.

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Required Skills

IT security expertise

To be able to manage threats and find flaws in a company’s information systems, the SOC analyst must know how to use servers and security tools such as Proxies, Fireworks, antivirus, VPN.

Discover Why Use Proxies ? and What’s the Difference Between a Proxy Server & VPN ?

Mastery of computer tools and languages

When they have to fix security vulnerabilities in information systems, they have to mobilise a very broad technical set of skills. Mastering Linux, Unix or Windows, as well as the programming languages ​​on which the company’s IT systems are based is often essential. Not all companies use the same computer languages ​​or the same security systems. When starting a new position, they must quickly adapt to different languages and be able to use them all.

Communication and teamwork skills

The analyst is in constant contact with users and works across the board with all departments of the company. They must demonstrate interpersonal skills such as the ability to collaborate and share knowledge.

The SOC Analyst within the industry

The SOC analyst role is one of the most sought-after jobs in cybersecurity. Its role is essential for the proper functioning of information systems, especially in a context where attacks are more and more commonplace.


The average daily rate of a SOC analyst oscillates between €350 and €700.

Training and education

To become a SOC Analyst, it is best to have an engineering background with a specialisation in cybersecurity.

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Data & Business Intelligence Job Descriptions

IT Business Analyst : Job Description

Use our template to create a compelling and comprehensive IT Business Analyst job description to attract top talent.

The role of the IT Business Analyst aims to bridge the gap between the various operational departments and the IT department. Their main mission? To ensure the alignment of a company’s IT systems and its strategic business objectives. They are in charge of analysing business needs and translating them into technical objectives.

The main difference between a classic Business Analyst and an IT Business Analyst is that the latter does not delegate the operational part of the project.

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IT Business Analyst: the job

Identify IT issues

Firstly, the IT Business Analyst will identify all sources of wasted time, energy or money within the company’s IT systems. They will therefore start by analysing all processes, tools and uses to identify areas for improvement.

Develop a strategy

After carrying out their analysis, the IT analyst expert will then define an action plan and lay the foundations for the project. The goal of the project may be, for example, to improve production, sales, customer relationship management, information flow or even logistics. Their field of action is therefore extremely wide.

Implement the strategy

Unlike the classic Business Analyst, they will be in charge of the project through its operational part. That is to say, after having defined the strategy, they will be in contact with the development teams to directly manage the implementation of new IT systems or the optimisation of existing ones.

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Required Skills of the IT Business Analyst

Analysis and decision making

In order to develop the best possible strategy, the IT Business Analyst must analyse IT systems down to the smallest detail and determine how they can be improved. In some cases, they must consider if it’s worth it to replace the entire existing system.

Ability to adapt

Moreover, an IT Business Analysis consultant may be required to work in various industries. They must quickly become acquainted with the market, the operations of the company, and the computer systems it uses. They must have technical knowledge of these systems, but they must also understand how teams use them.

Technical and strategic monitoring

To develop the best possible strategies, they must also be constantly informed of new developments concerning IT systems, computing and business.

Mastery of programming language

In addition, As part of the development team, they often have to master programming languages ​​like SQL, Java, NET, C ++, Python …

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The IT Business Analyst within the industry

The analyst can work in any industry and within various companies as long as the information system and organisation are large enough.

Salary of the IT Business Analyst

The average daily rate is between €400 and €700, depending on experience and the type of profile.

Training and education

To access this profession, it is recommended to have a relevant university degree. A master’s degree in Economics / Business / Management or in Computer Sciences is a big plus.

Job Descriptions Web Developer

AngularJS Developer : Job Description

Use our template to create a compelling and comprehensive AngularJS Developer job description to attract top talent.

With the appearance of new frameworks, the professions around web development are more and more specific and a large number of professionals specialize in a particular technology. Among the different possible specializations is the front-end developer AngularJS.

AngularJJ is one of the JavaScript frameworks. It is a free and open-source framework created by Google in 2009 and is used for the development and creation of web applications. It is a complete, solid and homogeneous framework that is one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks, being used all over the world by many companies.

But what is the role of the AngularJS developer? Discover in this job description their missions, skills, training and salary.

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The profession of the AngularJS developer

Professionals choosing to become web developers have the possibility of focusing on Front-End Back-End or Full-stack development; in a particular programming language or in the use of a specific framework in order to become an expert.

The profession of AngularJS developer is part of front-end development. That is everything related to the design of the user experience of a web page or application.

The AngularJS developer is a specialist in the JavaScript “event programming” language and in particular its AngularJS framework. This is one of the rarest professionals in the field of front-end development.

The AngularJS developer works with JavaScript, but their work doesn’t end with just playing around with this programming language. They are in charge of all types of front-end web development. With their main role being the creation of a Single Page Application (SPA) linked to a RESTful API. They also bring their mastery in the validation of communications between the Front AngularJS application and the RESTful API.

Required Skills

Expertise in the ecosystem

The AngularJS developer is an expert in the AngularJS framework, so they must, of course, know and fully understand all of the specific components of the framework. But that’s not all. This professional must master front-end development and have a perfect knowledge of the JavaScript event programming language. But also mastery of the HTML and CSS languages.

In order to carry out their missions, it is important that these developers have knowledge of Bootstrap and know how to manage interactions with third-party systems via APIs (Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Google Maps, etc.).

In addition, if they have in-depth knowledge of Agile best practices and are able to offer an effective development methodology, their market value will only be greater.

Curiosity and passion

Because of their job, the AngularJS Developer must be passionate about new technologies. They must enjoy logic and have a sense of design. It is important that they are curious and enjoys learning and discovering new things continuously., as technologies such as front-end frameworks, tools and best practices evolve very quickly and constantly. It is therefore essential to be curious, to constantly be on the lookout for information and stay informed about the latest releases and updates so as not to fall behind or be overwhelmed.


The salary varies greatly depending on the company, region and level of experience. The salary of a junior AngularJS Developer typically starts around €35,000 annually. However, based on experience, this salary can very quickly increase up to €75,000 per year. On the freelance side, the average daily rates vary between 300 and 600 euros.

AngularJS Developer in training

There are several ways to become an AngularJS developer. This professional can pursue a university degree specializing in computer science and then complete a master’s degree in IT. They can also go to engineering school, specialising in computer science and in this framework via online training.

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