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With digital transformation at full throttle thanks to Covid-19, one particular trend is accelerating: every company out there is gradually becoming a technology company. In a short time span, technology has gone from a product or nice add-on to becoming a strategic asset integral to an organisation’s business model.

Consequently, companies are more than ever in need of proficient CTOs who can lead the push towards new technological solutions that provide the company with a competitive edge. The potential reward for those who decide to go down the CTO path is huge, and if you manage to cultivate the hybrid set of skills this position requires, you will be set for professional success as an IT leader.

But how exactly can you become a Chief Technology Officer?


Interested in technology leadership? Discover what makes a good CTO.

Job Descriptions Web Developer

HTML Integrator : Job Description

Use our template to create a compelling and comprehensive HTML Integrator job description to attract top talent.

The HTML Integrator specialises in programming and development, their mission being to translate a graphic language into computer language. The integrator assembles the different elements of a website, making sure they are aligned with the desired aesthetics and maintain a practical design.

HTML (Hypertext Mark-Up Language) is a computer language based on the use of formatting tags which is used in the creation of web pages.

Also explore the role of the C/C++ Developer

What is the role of the HTML Integrator?

Check editorial content and mock-ups

Firstly, the HTML integrator works closely with the Web Project Manager and the Art Director. For example, together, they determine how the pages should be structured in terms of content, design (style and animations) and functionality.

Translate design into computer language

The HTML integrator then translates the graphic design into computer language, both for web and mobile browsers. They must build each website page by placing all the necessary textual and graphic elements, such as images or videos.

Ensure compatibility and compliance with standards

The integrator must also ensure the compatibility between the various browsers (Safari, Firefox, etc.) while considering the standards in place (RWD, W3C, accessibility).

Required skills of the HTML Integrator

Deep technical expertise

The expert must obviously master the HTML language, as well as other web design technologies such as CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, SQL …

Creativity and sense of aesthetics

Further, the HTML integrator should be creative and have a strong sense of aesthetics. For instance, they must master graphic consistency, highlighting the website’s content in a marketing-savvy manner.

Ability to listen and adapt

In addition to being as responsive as the websites they create, the integrator must know how to adapt to the client and other professionals. They are most often working within very varied teams: Web designer, Digital Project Manager, E-Commerce Manager, etc.

Within the industry

A web integrator can work for all kinds of businesses, being often brought in to work with multiple departments at once (marketing, IT, etc.).

Salary of the HTML Integrator

The average daily rate ranges between €450 and €900.

Training of the HTML Integrator

In conclusion, a college degree in IT can be an excellent steppingstone to this technical position. However, it is advisable to complement that degree with dedicated licenses and certifications. After a few years of experience, an integrator will have the opportunity to move towards positions related to development, design, or even consulting.

Discover all the web development programming skills and professions

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Weekly News: Bot Friday

Also discover our article: The IT Jobs Market of Today

Bot Friday

Black Friday long ago escaped the confines of its native United States to become a global shopping phenomenon. Now, another trend is joining this spread: bot.

If you are looking to catch a sweet deal this year, be advised: you’ll have to compete with more than a swarm of people lining up at the store’s gates. 

For some time now, retail bots have been out there scouting the Internet for the best deals. The exact second an item goes on sale, the bots flag the deal to their owner, who then makes a profit by selling a bot at a higher price. 

The item on sale is sold out? Chances are bots are to blame and it’s on eBay now.


Fighting cyberattacks with deception

With cyberattacks getting increasingly sophisticated, organisations have to deploy comprehensive cybersec solutions that address multiple fronts. 

Enter deception.

Deception technology is easy to deploy and manage, being to attackers what a honey trap is to fruit flies. Whereas traditional deception was solely focused on this honeypot approach, today’s solutions are way more powerful and have become one of the most effective ways to detect and stop attackers early on.  

However, persistent myths about the technology are keeping companies from leveraging its full potential. 


SAP skills shortage threatens UK businesses

We have discussed the issue of SAP skills shortages before, but new research insights keep coming in reinforcing this trend.

In the last two weeks, two surveys conducted in the UK have put a number to the SAP talent gap. A study by Ensono revealed how 80% of SAP customers have postponed cloud migrations due to skills shortages. 

According to the UK & Ireland SAP User Group, 35% of organisations cite the cost of salaries as the main roadblock for recruiting SAP roles, while the overall lack of skills in the market is the main cause for concern for 24% of companies.

The SAP skills gap is further accentuated with the industry’s imminent migration to S/4HANA, which has businesses competing for the scarce number of professionals with this set of skills.  


With S/4HANA migration in full throttle, becoming an S/4 expert is more than a smart move.

 Download our S/4HANA career guide to find out how.

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Weekly News: Translating Cat Meows

Translating Cat Meows; what the EU could do about emissions; Quantum moves ahead; and an anti-poaching cloud cover… Discover our Weekly News.

Translating Cat Meows: Do you speak cat?

What did the cat just say? 

According to research, cats do not share a common language. Every cat is unique and tailors its meows to its owner (a.k.a. human servant). And, just like it happens with people, some cats are chattier than others.

Well, a former Amazon Alexa developer has created an app that leverages AI and machine learning to translate those meows into human language. 

MeowTalk already has 13 phrases in its vocabulary, including “Feed me!” and “Leave me alone.” 

You can bet you’ll be hearing the first one a lot more. 


What the EU could do about emissions

The use of renewable energies and other traditional approaches to curbing emissions are no longer enough if the EU wants to meet its 2050 climate-neutrality target. 

Enter technology.

From large-scale, data-powered simulations of the Earth’s climate to green data centers, there are plenty of emerging technology initiatives underway for which EU funding could be a game-changer.

The folks at Politico have compiled a shortlist for you to bring up over dinner. 


Quantum moves ahead

Several of the world’s leading research institutions and tech companies have been working on their own take on quantum computing for a while now.

One of the key differences between the various approaches out there is what is used as the basis of the computer’s qubits, the basic units of information on which quantum computers operate.   

While technology juggernauts like IBM and Intel had traditionally opted for using tiny superconducting loops as qubits, the use of trapped-ion systems remained marginal. 

Now that is changing. Ion traps have gained traction, which is good for competition.


An anti-poaching cloud cover

The Zoological Society of London (ZSL) has revealed how its collaboration with Google Cloud is helping protect endangered species from poachers.

Beyond developing custom machine learning models to identify and track threatened animals across the globe, ZSL used a network of acoustic sensors to listen for gunshots in a nature reserve in Cameroon. 

The organisation then used the data collected to generate insights on poacher activity, revealing key details like what time of day poachers tend to be more active and where. 

ZSL hopes to evolve these insights into a monitoring system that is able to provide alerts in real time.  


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IT Consultants Tips for your daily life as a freelancer

They wanted to come to my place at 10 pm: an unexpected freelance experience

I am Lilian Alvarez, freelance iOS expert and manager of a training organisation specialising in supporting IT freelancers. The story I am about to tell you really happened to me. I have intentionally changed and left out some details out of respect for my clients’ privacy. Discover an unexpected freelance experience.

An unexpected freelance experience

It all started with a message on a professional networking platform. 

Hello, Lilian. 

We need a developer to update the version of a mobile application … 

After a few messages were exchanged, I proposed a telephone meeting. 

During the meeting, the person told me they ran a web agency. A few weeks before, they had inherited a project from another team, and they were having a lot of technical issues with it. They needed assistance. 

So far, nothing surprising. 

Right away, I offered to make an estimate of the cost of my services. To do this, I needed to analyse the source code. 

And … That’s where things got tricky. 

The person refused to share the project files with me. 

That’s not odd by itself. Secrecy is vital for some companies (which I hear and respect). This is why I proposed signing a confidentiality agreement. But the person refused again. 

I tried to explain myself better: 

It’s like walking into the auto repair shops and saying, “My car won’t start anymore, how much will it cost me to fix it?”  

That’s a difficult question to answer without first getting your hands dirty to identify the origin of the problem. 

That’s when the person offered to come to my house after a full day of work. Because why not. 

– This way, I can make sure that you are not making any copies of the source code. 

– Uh, sorry? 

Okay, I should have ended the discussion right there. But no. 

Of an accommodating nature, I suggested meeting at a bar to assess the problem. The person accepted, only to end up cancelling 30 minutes before the appointment. 

I learned a lesson from this experience. To say the least:  

Not all leads that come to you are worth pursuing. 

Spending 2 days doing pre-sales for a service that won’t last more than a week is just not worth it. 

My advice 

Beyond this little adventure, I would like to give you some advice on the 4 types of customers you should flee: 

1. The torturer 

They have been abusing providers ever since they read Steve Jobs’ biography. 

They tend to change their mind about the colour of the connect button 45 times a day. Of course, they want these requests to be addressed immediately. 

How to spot this kind of client? Their last 3 providers have disappeared without leaving any trace. 

2. The bad payer 

They refuse to pay any deposit before the start of the job. 

3. The psychopath 

They want to come to your home at 10 p.m. to watch you work. I speak knowingly… 

4. The lawyer 

They want you to sign a contract with penalties for non-compliance with delivery deadlines. In an of itself, this type of contract is not bad, and may well have its place in a client-freelancer relationship. 

However, I must warn you: never sign such a document if you are dependent on resources and customer feedback to meet your deadlines. 

And it can get worse. If the boundaries and deadlines of the project are blurry, this kind of commitment is the best way to end up working for free and under pressure. 

Of course, it is possible to come across a serious customer who at first glance seems to fall into one of the categories mentioned above.  

But, as I often tell participants of my training courses, a freelancer is not just a consultant. A freelancer is also the manager of a company. And a manager must work to do the best possible job while preparing for the worst. 

And how about you, what’s your weirdest and unexpected freelance experience? 

Before closing this web page, I invite you to follow my newsletter. 

I regularly share advice on IT freelancing as well as my latest articles (one-click unsubscribe): ? ? 

You can also explore my trainings and guidance for freelancers here: (Eligible for financing)

Lilian Alvarez. 

Find me on Twitter and LinkedIn 

To avoid ending up working with the bad type of client, you can also go through a partner such as Mindquest ?. Get access to the best jobs and benefit from personalised follow-up until the end of your contract. You focus on the project; they take care of the rest. 

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5 Free Online Business Courses for IT Pros

Now more than ever, IT professionals need to complement their technical expertise with soft skills and business acumen to remain on top of an ultra-competitive talent market. Well, we’ve put together a shortlist of free online business courses to help you do exactly that.  

Time to level up. 

Technology Entrepreneurship: Lab to Market – edX

A little entrepreneurial spirit never hurt anyone. Even if you are a hardcore tech guy working deep within a big company’s IT department; having a better picture of how technology products go from inception to market can help you a great deal in the long-term.  

This course by Harvard’s Laboratory for Innovation Science and the University of California San Diego; is part of our online business courses shortlist because of the good overview it will provide you. Especially in how business basics and critical thinking can be applied to commercialising new technologies.  

Power Dressing in the Zoom Era – Future Learn 

The title says it all. Since remote work has become the norm, mastering traditional ways of communicating is no longer enough. In this free, two-hour course, you will learn how to improve the image you project online.  

What’s best to wear in video interviews? How can you polish your personal and business brands so that they are aligned and represent you the best possible way? How about non-verbal communication.   

Introduction to Finance and Accounting Specialization – Coursera 

You’ve heard it before. There’s no budget for this project at the moment. This will have to wait until the next financial year. Well, it’s about time you learn what such statements entail. If your idea of accounting boils down to household maintenance and personal budgeting; then you should probably work on developing your financial literacy.  

A solid understanding of how organisations get and administer money is a must for anyone in business. Whether they are a manager or an IT specialist. This Wharton School of Business course provides a good overview of the subject.   

Intercultural Communication and Conflict Resolution – Coursera 

Have you ever gotten yourself in an awkward situation by unknowingly saying something odd to someone with a different cultural background than yours? Unless you have been living under a tree your entire life, you probably have. In an increasingly global business world, being aware of cultural divides and how to breach them is a must.  

This quick course by the University of California Irvine serves as a great introduction to intercultural communication; and also about the resolution of the conflicts it creates.  

Contract Management: Building Relationships in Business – Future Learn

In many ways, contract making is an art. Negotiation, risk assessment and market intelligence all play an important role in ensuring the drafting and signature of win-win business agreements. If you are an IT freelancer or have had to sign service agreements as part of your everyday job, you know what this is all about.   

This course covers all you should take into account when approaching contracts for the first time, or how to improve your contract-making capabilities if you already have some experience. Offered by the University of Southampton, the course is backed by UK government & World Commerce & Contracting. 

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Weekly News: High Speed Levitating pod

Hyperloop’s first passenger ride

Richard Branson’s Virgin Hyperloop completed this past weekend the world’s first passenger ride on a high-speed levitating pod. 

The successful test marks a key milestone for the technology. It indeed promises to revolutionise human and cargo transportation by using magnetic levitation to hurtle vehicles through vacuum tubes. 

Although the Hyperloop executives involved in the trial only reached a top speed of 172 km/h, the technology promises to deliver speeds of 966 km/h and faster. That’s twice as fast as a commercial jet with a fraction of the emissions. It could be a reality by 2030.

The Guardian

High Speed Levitating pod: Updates from Microsoft

Microsoft has released the .NET 5.0 developer platform, introducing among other features the new C# 9 and F# 5 programming languages.

.NET 5.0 allows developers to unify their toolset across platforms and operating systems, whether they are building for desktop, mobile, cloud or IoT applications. The new programming languages offer easier, more expressive top-level coding.

Additionally, the Redmond, Virginia company released on Tuesday its November security patch, addressing 112 vulnerabilities. The Windows zero-day vulnerability revealed last month is among them.

TechRepublic / ZDNet

High Speed Levitating pod: Tougher EU tech export rules

European law-makers are tightening rules for the export of dual-use technology products, a category of technologies that can be used both by civilians and the military.  

The technologies involved to improve high-speed levitating pod include high-performance computing (HPC), drones and facial recognition software, will now require vendors to meet a much higher set of conditions when closing licensing deals. 

The rules focus on protecting democracy and human rights and can be easily and quickly amended to cover any new emerging technologies that may appear in the future.    


Tech Magazine TOP 10 experts' articles

Top 10 SAP Experts from the Netherlands to Follow on Twitter

Discover SAP experts from the Netherlands. If you are an SAP pro in the Netherlands or would like to become one, these are the people you should include in your Twitter feed. Some are SAP insiders, while others are independent experts and consultants. All of them are worth a follow.

Discover our Ultimate S/4HANA Careers Guide

10 experts SAP from the Netherlands to follow on Twitter

As the IT environment is constantly evolving, it is crucial, if not necessary, to connect with the brightest minds to keep up with innovation. In other words, the more contacts you get, the more likely you are to solve IT challenges. Therefore, we at Mindquest are pleased to provide you with a list of the best SAP Experts from the Netherlands to follow.

Fred Verheul


Firstly, Fred is an SAP Developer and Consultant at strategic SAP integrator SOA People, where he is helping grow the firm’s SAP HANA and Big Data practices. Fred is also a certified Scrum Master and was recognised with the 2017 SAP Community Citizenship Award for his many contributions to the SAP community.

Twan van den Broek


Twan is a Customer Innovation Architect at SAP, where he leads the SAP Experience Center in the Netherlands to help customers and partners develop personalised SAP experiences that benefit both the business and the end-user. Moreover, Twan has an extensive track record as a blogger and can often be found sharing his experiences and insight at seminars and industry events.

Robin van het Hof


Robin is an SAP experience specialist with more than 13 years behind his back helping organisations develop and implement environments on the SAP NetWeaver platform. His expertise also covers the newer SAP Cloud Platform and SAPUI5/OpenUI5. In addition, Robin has his own company, Qualiture, and is an SAP Mentor and SAP HANA Distinguished Engineer.

Marleen Verhaag


Then, Marleen is SAP’s Senior Director Industries & Value Advisory for North EMEA, where she mainly focuses on helping financial services companies with strategic software solutions. She is also the Global Head of SAP’s Global Business Women’s Network, the largest SAP employee-driven network (75 chapters, 13,000+ members) helping women advance their careers and the company’s business.

Wim Snoep


Wim is a Senior SAP Expert at INNOV8iON, a consultancy specialised in SAP technologies. He focuses on the SAP Cloud Platform, designing and developing innovative solutions by leveraging a mix of Machine Learning, IoT and SAP Fiori. Wim is also heavily involved in the Dutch SAP community and the country’s chapter of SAP Inside Track.

Jan Penninkhof   


Jan is an Enterprise Architect at SAP, where he works together with businesses to co-develop next-gen enterprise architectures for SAP customers and partners. Jan describes himself as an SAP Cloud Platform addict and SAP Technology Ambassador. He often tweets about upcoming workshops and webinars and has been blogging for years.

Xavier Hacking


Xavier is an SAP BI and SAP Analytics Cloud specialist working at consulting firm Interdobs. He is also a book author at SAP PRESS and an avid blogger. In addition to the educational content he regularly shares on Twitter, you can find his expert tips on his blog

Wouter van Heddeghem


Wouter is the SAP S/4HANA Finance Managing consultant at Capgemini. He has over two decades of experience working with SAP FICO in 15 countries, where he has helped leading multinational companies with a wide variety of SAP projects. Wouter helps customers define and implement the roadmap to S/4HANA Finance and transform processes accordingly.

Martijn van Foeken


Martijn is SAP BI Consultant at Interdobs. He specialises in SAP BusinessObjects solutions, as well as in SAP Analytics Cloud and SAP HANA. Martijn regularly shares educational content on these platforms and contributes to their continuous improvement by submitting improvement requests.

Denys van Kempen


Denys is Technology Expert at SAP focusing on SAP HANA and Analytics. He has been at SAP for more than 10 years, where he helps SAP’s Global Partner Organisation support partners with the company’s technologies. Denys is a true SAP advocate, blogging extensively and managing content for the SAP HANA Academy.

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10 of the Best SAP Experts in Germany to Follow Online

Digital Job Descriptions

IT Vendor Manager : Job Description

Use our template to create a compelling and comprehensive IT Vendor Manager job description to attract top talent.

The IT Vendor Manager position is becoming increasingly ubiquitous within the IT departments of large companies. Its spread is a side effect of another increasingly ubiquitous trend: that of outsourcing of technological and IT functions. More and more companies are deciding to call on external service providers rather than carrying out certain developments internally.

This professional intervenes when a company has to choose, for example, new management software, or when it needs to renew its IT equipment or decides to call on an IT service provider. This person leads the supplier selection process, determining which one offers the best value for the business and managing the entire relationship with them.

Also explore the role of the Cisco Network Engineer

What is the role of the IT Vendor Manager?

Clearly define the company’s needs in terms of IT equipment and services

To do the best possible job, the IT Vendor Manager must establish a solid line of communication with all stakeholders. Particularly with the IT teams and businesses users that will be impacted by the IT solutions and equipment in question. IT Vendor Manager must listen carefully to them and conduct a thorough analysis to define their needs.

Manage the relationship with suppliers

The expert also needs to play the role of negotiator and mediator. They are in constant contact with the company’s IT suppliers. They must monitor their performance and work on the optimisation of all outsourced services.

Deal with the administrative and financial aspects

They will also be responsible for the administrative and financial aspects of the contract with these suppliers. They will have to ensure compliance with service commitments and negotiate penalties for non-compliance.

Required skills of the IT Vendor Manager

Excellent communication skills

For operations to run smoothly, the IT Vendor Manager must demonstrate transparency and diplomacy both internally and externally. Here communication is key.

Technical expertise

To be more successful communicating, the IT Vendor Manager must understand all the ins and outs of the subject of the contract. They must have a good knowledge of software, computer hardware and IT services, as well as in-depth knowledge of their business applications.

Be organised and rigorous

The manager must manage all aspects related to the execution of a contract and must therefore have solid project management skills. They must also be very rigorous and good with numbers to ensure proper administrative and financial management.

Within the industry

The IT Vendor Manager can rise within a company’s IT department in any industry but is most commonly found in industries such as information technology, service companies, and public administration.

Salary of the IT Vendor Manager

The salary varies greatly depending on the size and complexity of the projects to be managed, as well as on the specifics of the company, but the average daily rate tends to fluctuate between €450 and €900.

Training of the IT Vendor Manager

To access this position, it is recommended to have a university degree as well as a master’s degree in computer science, business or engineering. As this profession is relatively new, there are currently no specific courses or training that will get you there.

Press review Tech Magazine

Weekly News: The Funny Side of AI

We are often discussing the dangerous implications of AI and what we can do to address them: bias, job losses… So it’s refreshing to be able to talk about its more benign side effects. Discover the funny side of AI.

3 stories to discover the funny side of AI

Football or bald head?

Do you enjoy football? How about bald heads?

Since the start of the pandemic, the world of sports has had to forgo live audiences in favour of live streamings. Bigger teams and leagues can afford proper TV crews to cover their matches, but smaller teams need to be more creative.   

A football team in Inverness, Scotland decided to use an AI-enabled camera to track the football’s movements. Unfortunately, and to the delight of the whole world, the camera tracked the referee’s bald head instead of the ball. Best match ever.


IT Job Hunting Done Well: A Step-by-Step Guide

What drones are really for

Few technologies have received as much public hype as drone technology. We all have a friend who enjoys chasing flocks of sheep with their little quadcopter. If you don’t, then you might be that friend.

But what are drones actually good for?

The non-consumer applications that first come to mind tend to be rather pessimistic. Surveillance, warfare… There is an understandable trust deficit when it comes to drones, but the technology’s potential is huge if we manage to overcome it.

From humanitarian aid in dangers zones to remote delivery and agriculture, drones can be extremely helpful in helping us get where we need to get more easily and in time. 


Funny side of AI: Game over for 1809

Microsoft is discontinuing service for Windows 10 version 1809 starting on November 10, so make sure all your systems are upgraded accordingly.

The cut will affect Windows 10 1809 for Home, Pro, Pro for Workstations, and IoT Core, which will stop receiving security updates and support.

Support for Windows 10 1803 for Enterprise, Education and IoT Enterprise will be extended until May 2021, as will the Enterprise and Education versions of 1809.    


Discover more articles about AI

Read our article: AI, IBM Chips, and a Novel Cloud Security Concept: The Week in Tech News

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