DSI challenges IT Decision-makers

IT’s Pivotal Role in a Post-Pandemic World

IT’s Pivotal Role in a Post-Pandemic WorldOne of the few positive outcomes of this global health and economic crisis will be the collective realisation of what really matters. Overnight, the world stopped. Our lives were stripped of all the fluff, forcing us to re-evaluate priorities and hold onto the essentials. A stable income, health, human contact.  

The same is true for the enterprise world. Businesses had to scrap their 2020 roadmap and start anew, trimming down costs and adjusting short- and mid-term goals. Those lucky enough to be in an industry where remote work makes sense have done their best to stay operational. This struggle, in turn, has further highlighted the strategic importance of one particular department – IT.  

IT’s Pivotal Role in a Post-Pandemic World

Accelerating digital transformation 

For some, the road to digital transformation has been a shorter and bumpier ride than expected. The sudden need for company-wide telework has caught them unprepared, without the necessary infrastructure or processes in place. But the surge in demand for IT services has put a strain on even the best-prepared organisations.  

Collaboration tools like Microsoft Teams and cloud services have experienced lag and other issues. Forcing providers to implement new measures and double down on personnel. Traditional retailers have turned to online sales, whereas pure e-commerce players and multichannel operators are expanding their overall organisational structure.  

All of this is only made possible by technology investments and the development of IT teams. Furthermore, the current situation offers a good reminder of technology’s key role in ensuring companies can quickly adapt to changing circumstances.  

Ensuring cybersecurity  

As we have discussed in the past, a home-based workforce has made it easier for attackers to exploit weaknesses in enterprise networks. Not to say that business leaders were unaware of the dangers of cyberthreats before. Cybersecurity has long been in the top list of worries for CIOs. 

However, the risks — and stakes — are now higher than ever. Companies are putting a renewed focus on the importance of implementing appropriate protocols and tools, from VPNs to cloud security. The push to guarantee business continuity is making organisations compete for the best security specialists. Accentuating an already pervasive shortage of skilled talent.  

Navigating uncharted waters 

But not all challenges that businesses face are as straightforward. New regulatory landscapes; like the ones brought forth by GPDR and the UK’s upcoming IR35; can be difficult for companies to figure out.  

For example, those speeding up digital transformation might not be fully aware of the ins and outs of data privacy laws and inadvertently commit malpractice. Again, technological tools like enterprise automation can be decisive in helping organisations manage the unknown and limit exposure. IT departments can employ digital workers to comb through data sets or carry out other time-consuming tasks to ensure compliance with current regulations.  

Additionally, IT can greatly help enterprises deal with evolving economic and market scenarios. Machine learning and other types of AI software are great allies in the search of new areas of business. Helping sales teams identify leads and allowing for more accurate predictions. 

IT’s Pivotal Role in a Post-Pandemic World : Numbers don’t lie 

Recent studies suggest that business leaders know perfectly well that IT is set to play a pivotal role in the COVID-19 aftermath. Yes — IDC expects a 2.7% decline in worldwide IT spending this year. But this data must not be taken out of context.  

All seems to indicate that CFOs are, as usual, exercising caution and limiting overall spending across the organisation. However, it looks like most companies recognise the strategic importance of technology by prioritising IT spending over other areas. This sentiment was echoed in a recent poll by Imperial College Business School, which revealed that 48% of businesses were planning to prioritise the hiring of IT professionals in the coming months.  

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The World is in our Hands

This week marked the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Created by environmentalist Denis Hayes in 1970 (go math ?) the celebration reaches its half a century of life amidst the greatest global crisis our world has seen in a while.

Hayes sat down with Thomson Reuters to reflect on the event’s trajectory and discuss how much we’ve done vs. how much is left to do. 

Among his main criticisms — the system’s failure to leverage technological innovations to produce cheaper, more efficient and cleaner energy.

He is hopeful that being stuck at home makes us more aware of what’s at stake should we not tackle climate change head-on and collectively.

It is precisely this message of unity that the European Space Agency wanted to emphasize, reminding us of the late Stephen Hawkins’ last message to humankind. 

“How will we feed an ever-growing population, provide clean water, generate renewable energy, prevent and cure disease and slow down global climate change?

I hope that science and technology will provide the answers to these questions, but it will take people, human beings with knowledge and understanding to implement the solution.”

The message was broadcasted to all planet Earth, with accompanying music by Greek composer Vangelis.

It’s a mixed bag for IR35

The UK’s controversial IR35 regulation, which was set to enter into force earlier this month, was delayed to April 2021 due to the advance of COVID-19. The decision was welcomed with relief by workers and the enterprise world alike. 

The legislation could have endangered independent work by asking companies to pay higher taxes for contractors who were not deemed independent enough.

But both industry and legislators at the House of Lords Finance Bill Committee believe the law needs to be further postponed, as an extra year might not be enough time. Some go beyond that, arguing for a bill revision rather than a delay.

However, the Treasury announced yesterday it had no intention at this moment of changing its plans.

News from the frontlines

One more week, we look at the various tech initiatives being launched around the world to help fight the novel coronavirus.

Cisco has created two new programs to help healthcare organisations get the networking equipment they need. The platforms match companies looking to donate unused wireless equipment with healthcare facilities that need it. 

Google has opened its Healthcare API in a move to facilitate the sharing of medical data and promote a coordinated response to the virus. 

Facebook is launching a nation-wide symptom survey in the UK. The survey, which had already been rolled out in the U.S., will provide data to predict hospital admissions in specific areas. 

Finally, the innovation arm of the UK’s National Health Service has announced a £500,000 funding competition for innovators and startups to come up with digital tools to help against the virus outbreak. 

IT Decision-makers Talent strategy

5 Keys to Adapt Your IT Talent Strategy to the Current Reality

Discover our 5 keys to adapt your IT Talent Strategy to the current reality. Here are 5 things you should keep in mind.

It seems it was ages ago that we were wrapping up 2019 and getting ready for a new year. It was the perfect time to look at emerging trends and future business needs, to make resolutions and establish goals for the year ahead. However, the global pandemic is forcing us to scrap many of those plans. We must adjust to the current economic and social reality, and so does our talent strategy.

As an IT decision-maker, your success depends very much on the performance of your teams. Now more than ever, you need to mobilize the right skills, at the right time, and at the right cost.

To do this, you must re-evaluate your existing talent strategy. You must anticipate your skills needs and set up concrete measures to attract, recruit, retain and develop that talent — both to weather the crisis and for when the storm is over. 

Identify your main challenges

Alright, so it’s your team that determines your success. But how do you find and recruit top performers when the tech & IT talent market is suffering from a heavy talent shortage and everyone is competing for the same candidates? Who should you prioritise hiring given the uncertainty of the situation?

All key departments in a company should have a talent strategy in place, but it is all the more necessary for IT since the talent war is raging much more than in other areas. For instance, an expert in an area of expertise such as cybersecurity often receives several offers for permanent jobs or freelance assignments every week — or even every day.

Be aware of these issues to anticipate your needs and define the best possible plan of action (difficulty levels to recruit a particular profile, salary levels, etc.).

Another of the Keys to Adapt Your IT Talent Strategy: Be flexible with your recruiting approach

You know how fast everything goes in the world of IT, especially given the massive shift to remote work. In this perspective, you must ensure that you are able to quickly adapt by working both with stable resources, who know the long-term challenges of your business, and with resources that can be mobilised quickly and on more specific issues.

The solution is often to use both internal and external talent, including freelance IT consultants. They make it possible to bring in skills that are often specific on certain technical subjects, without too restrictive a commitment over time. They also have the benefit of bringing a “new” and external look which can be beneficial to the team already in place and stimulate rapid change.

Leverage soft skills to accelerate your projects

More and more, soft skills are making a difference among IT professionals. The IT department is at the heart of digital transformation and must be an engine of change in the company. Especially in today’s climate, IT teams must be composed of people capable of adapting, communicating, and sometimes even evangelizing to encourage the adoption of new tools or uses.

Hard skills are obviously fundamental, but the lifespan of acquired skills is getting shorter and shorter, and times of crisis call for something more than technique. As an IT decision-maker, you must make sure that your recruitment and talent development strategy focuses on people as the primary performance lever.

A good CIO or a good IT leader shows leadership, creativity and a daring vision — even an entrepreneurial spirit. You must look for these qualities in your IT team leaders and members to ensure the success of your projects.

Are you recruiting developers? Choose candidates who demonstrate emotional intelligence and who will be able to put themselves in the shoes of the user. Beyond the technical mastery of the targeted computer languages, make sure that the curiosity, the method, the initiative and the critical thinking of your candidates are evaluated in the recruitment process.

For more information on the topic, check out this article outlining the 5 most sought-after soft skills in IT.

Beyond recruitment: talent retention and development

It is no longer enough to know how to identify and attract the best profiles to have an effective talent strategy: you have to make sure you know how to keep and develop the right IT professionals who constitute your teams. Especially in a crisis like the one that is unfolding.

You might be tempted to cut staff loose and settle for short-than-best experts to reduce costs. That can be a big mistake. Your employees are your greatest asset and you should protect them and nurture them as much as possible. Focus on retaining your best talent, on future-proofing your existing team. You will be thankful for it once the crisis ends and you have all the competitive advantages of a robust IT team.

Some specific steps that you can take:

  • Create a sense of belonging — especially important with everyone working from home
  • Make your current and future projects attractive and take advantage of online development opportunities
  • Reassure your employees. Make sure they know they are appreciated and that you have their back.
  • Facilitate the management of work-life balance now more than ever
  • Put special attention on internal communication. Transparency here is also crucial

Remember that these initiatives must concern internal talent, but also external employees. The increasingly frequent hybridization of teams, made up of both freelancers and “classic” employees, means measures must be implemented across the board.  

Another key area of focus you should put particular emphasis on the onboarding of new recruits. The successful integration of an employee is always the foundation for successful collaboration, but, with less and less human interaction, it is necessary to make an extra effort in this area.

You must ensure that appropriate onboarding processes and tools are in place. Again, treat outsiders like you treat employees and make sure that freelancers are well integrated into the team.

The last of the Keys to Adapt Your IT Talent Strategy: Seek the support of the right partners

Defining talent strategy is key to your department’s success. But it is not an easy feat in these strange times, especially if you are not a recruitment specialist. Here, a trusted recruitment partner can be decisive. It may be wise to seek the guidance of a third-party actor who knows the market well and understands your specific problems and needs — someone capable of supporting you today and in the long term.

It is also necessary to work in collaboration with other departments within your company: HR for the entire employer brand part, Purchasing for relations with external service providers, etc.

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Industry Snapshot: Cloud’s Winning Proposition

Some businesses are thriving amid the global turmoil caused by the spread of COVID-19. Whereas whole economic sectors are falling victim to the effects of a quarantined population and the fall in demand, others find themselves in a privileged position to face this once-in-a-century crisis. This competitive advantage is particularly noticeable in areas like technology.

U.S. oil prices have turned negative for the first time in history. Traditional retailers are struggling to stay afloat, drastically cutting down expected profits for the second half of the year while delivering disappointing first-quarter results. At the same time, online retail moguls like Amazon’s Jeff Bezos have seen their net worth skyrocket since the lockdown began.

With the surge in remote work and internet traffic, businesses need IT now more than ever. Videoconferencing services and other collaboration tools are booming, while the rise in digital operations has multiplied the number of cyber threats and accentuated the cybersecurity skills shortage.

But that’s not all.

Facing a new reality

Many organisations were not ready for the sudden shift to digital and decentralised ways of working. For some, digital transformation went overnight from being a mid-term goal to a bare necessity. They were either relying too much on on-premise storage and computing, or perhaps they were simply not ready to have most of their employees working from home at the same time. This change in demand has propelled cloud services forward, with more and more clients signing up for access to IaaS and PaaS solutions.

The big winners

There are no clearer signs of the cloud’s buoyant momentum that the good results the top industry players have achieved during the first quarter. Even if overall company performance is not as strong.

IBM has seen the pandemic thwart what otherwise would have been a solid quarter of growth. However, the company claims hybrid cloud adoption has spiked as a direct result of the pandemic. IBM’s (and by extension Red Hat’s) platform and containerization offerings allow companies to quickly deploy and easily escalate business-critical applications – a major advantage in today’s everchanging situation.

German ERP powerhouse SAP has also managed to maintain strong cloud bookings. The company even managed to increase overall revenue. SAP S/4HANA gained an additional 300 customers in Q1, bringing the total up to 14,100 accounts. That’s a 23% increase from the same time last year. The results further demonstrate S/4HANA’s growing momentum and as the deadline to migrate to the newer ERP system approaches.

Additionally, and in what is another tell-tale sign of the health of the industry, Alibaba announced it will be investing $28 billion to expand its cloud infrastructure and semiconductor business. That’s over half of its revenue for the past fiscal year.  

Cloud providers and their customers are betting big on the cloud’s potential to protect company operations and speed up the recovery process once the crisis is over.

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Need Extra IT Support? Avoid Mistakes When Hiring Tech Freelancers

How to avoid mistakes when hiring IT freelancers? With most of the workforce operating remotely, it is highly likely that your company needs to expand its IT team. Whether it’s due to a lack of preparedness in terms of digital transformation or increased cybersecurity concerns. A good way to go about it is to seek the help of independent experts. Working with freelancers grants you quick access to the specific skills that you need while reducing the risk of hiring new employees in uncertain times.    

But beyond budget restrictions, to recruit is to take a risk. The risk of selecting a candidate who does not have the right skills or who will not be able to adapt to your team or your company. This risk is all the more obvious in the case of the recruitment of tech freelancer; since they are expected to be operational and produce results right away. So how do you limit this risk as much as possible? And find the right profile, within the limits of your budget and in an often-tight schedule? 

First things to avoid mistakes when hiring: define your ideal candidate 

Be careful, as hiring mistakes can be made from the start of the recruitment process. To find the right person, you must first define the profile you are seeking. The first common mistake is to ignore this first key step. Start by listing your needs, write a clear job description and validate your budget. 

Next comes the step of selecting candidates. Are you looking for an SAP expert or a Business Intelligence consultant for a mission of several months? You will need to assess the level of expertise of your candidates. Beyond the CV and the list of skills, you should ask freelancers for examples of their previous work. You can also ask for their portfolio or their GitHub profile, which can provide a lot of information. 

Finally, the interview stage is essential for evaluating the skills of a freelancer. And the candidate is not the only one who has to prepare. Think beforehand about the points you want to assess and do not hesitate to alternate concrete questions and open questions to test the ability of freelance to solve complex problems. If you do not have the level of technical knowledge necessary to assess a profile; it may be wise to be accompanied by someone who does and to set up specific filters such as technical tests. 

Have you found the freelancer with the most suitable skills? Very well. Do not stop there. If you do, you might be on the verge of committing the most common hiring mistake. Limiting yourself to the technical aspects and neglecting social skills. 

Know-how or the distinguishing element  

In any recruitment, the human factor is essential. You may find the candidate with the highest level of expertise and with the most suitable experiences. But these will never be sufficient factors to ensure a successful recruitment. The so-called soft skills have become a must-have for IT professionals. This is particularly true in the case of freelancers. An independent consultant will have limited time to integrate into your team and will have to adapt very quickly to get to the heart of the project. 

But how do you assess the soft skills of a tech freelancer? It is not easy to measure elements as subjective and intangible as the human and relational qualities of a candidate. The interview is again decisive: you have to know how to ask the right questions and be emotionally intelligent to properly identify a profile. Here again, being accompanied by a specialized actor. An actor who knows the tech & IT talent market well, can prove to be saving to avoid hiring mistakes. 

Avoid mistakes when hiring: The secret weapon to assess a freelance profile 

Last tip: seek professional references to limit the subjective aspect of assessing a candidate’s skills. Who better than a former client or employer to tell you about their reliability and expertise? Keep in mind that a “good” freelancer will never be reluctant to give you the contact details of these contacts, as they will be confident in having fulfilled the objectives set during previous projects. This check often takes time if you decide to do it yourself, but it will allow you to dispel your last doubts and confirm that the freelancer you have chosen is really the expert you are looking for. 

HR Managers: How to Assess the Technical Skills of IT Candidates

Hiring or onboarding error? 

Have you followed all of these steps and recruited the perfect profile, and yet are disappointed with the freelancer’s performance? First, give them some time. Of course, a freelancer must be operational very quickly, but they must nevertheless be allowed enough time to assimilate the context and all the data necessary for the success of their mission. Be realistic and don’t expect your freelancer to work miracles from day one. 

But above all, ask yourself the following question: have I taken the necessary steps to integrate this freelancer into the business and team? Sharing information, providing the necessary equipment, and introducing them to key team members are all important parts of the onboarding process. The performance of your freelancer also depends on you. You have made the choice to take an external expert to accelerate the work on a project: go all-in with your investment and make sure that they have all the weapons required to succeed.  

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Python Projects to Try – From Beginner to Advanced

Python’s growing momentum is undeniable. Favoured by data scientists and those involved in AI and machine learning, the programming language has risen to the top of the popularity list in just a few years, with a lot of Python projects. A recent study by online learning platform O’Reilly found Python to be the “preeminent” language of 2019. Representing both the highest number of searches and the most trainings contracted through the portal.   

There are many reasons for this rapid ascend. Python is an efficient and easily readable language. It allows developers to create lean code that reads very much like English, while its built-in data structures are user-friendly and fast to implement. Additionally, Python is surrounded by an expansive support ecosystem which offers a wide array extension packages and open-access code repositories.  

As we have mentioned before, these days of quarantine provide a great opportunity to acquire new skills and strengthen your CV. And how best to learn code than by developing hands-on experience with it?  

Whether you are completely new to Python or just looking to improve your capabilities; here are a few Python projects for you to try in the coming weeks.  

Python projects for beginners 

If you are just now jumping into Python, the official Python Software Foundation’s website offers a ton of free resources to begin with. There you can access the language’s official documentation and refer to an exhaustive list of reliable resources for beginners.  

As for projects, you can, for example, start with the list of over 30 beginner exercises at They are detailed step by step and offer a separate section for solutions to keep you challenged. PythonForBeginners is another good portal for Python projects and fundamentals. When it comes to automation, Al Sweigart’s Automate the Boring Stuff with Python is a fantastic — and free — work of reference.  

Popular beginner projects include: 

  • Dice rolling simulator 
  • Guess the number 
  • Hangman 
  • Fill an online form 
  • Update and format Excel spreadsheets 

Of course, learning portals like Codecademy and Udemy are another great way of developing your Python skills. In fact, a multitude of platforms have made courses available for free to help people skill up during lockdown. You can find more about it here.   

More advanced projects 

For those who are already versed in the basics of Python, the Internet is full of interesting project ideas. You can get lost in for days. For instance, this edureka blog post contains precise instructions on how to complete a series of engaging intermediate and advanced projects. Among these, you can practice data visualization techniques and get acquainted with popular Python-supported libraries like Matplotlib. For more advanced projects, you can dive into machine learning and deep learning with TensorFlow and PyTorch.   

Alternatively; if you are looking for already developed capabilities to use in your own code or apps; you can of course, always find thousands of Python-related repositories on Github. There are endless paths one can take with Python. From website crawlers to image processing modules or a Spotify playlist generator. 

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To trace or not to trace — and how

Beyond a shadow of a doubt, the tech news story of the past few days has been the Apple-Google partnership against COVID-19. 

Announced last week, the unlikely union between the two giants will focus on developing an app to help determine if a person has been in close contact with an infected individual. 

The system will let users opt-in, providing anonymous and decentralised tracing. Much like a tool previously proposed by MIT researchers, the app will theoretically ensure privacy by leveraging Bluetooth connectivity.

The news, however, has sparked a global debate on the potential security and surveillance implications of implementing the technology. 

Is anonymity really guaranteed? Should this power be in the hands of private companies or controlled by public institutions?  

The two companies held a media call earlier this week to answer questions by reporters. Here’s TechCrunch’s account of what was discussed in that call.    

If you’d like to dive deeper into the specifics, here’s a look at how these tracing tools work.  

And they keep burning 5G towers…

Last week we touched on an ongoing phenomenon that sounds surreal even in these strange times.

Some people in the UK are attacking 5G cell towers, believing them to be linked to COVID-19. 

Well — it looks like events keep escalating, fueled by ludicrous conspiracy theories and social media claims that 5G is behind the spread of the disease. 

According to industry body Mobile UK, the country’s network received more than 20 attacks over the weekend. 

It turns out that one of the attacks was directed at — wait for it — a 5G tower servicing a nearby hospital. 


Like the virus itself, this wave of disinformation seems to be spreading like wildfire, with incidents now being reported in the Netherlands.


Now more than ever, ensuring your network and data security is critical for business success. 

Remote work has multiplied the number of potential points of entry for attackers, while phishing attacks are easier to carry out thanks to greater use of social media and email tools.

Just in the US, a cybersecurity consultancy firm claims to have experienced a 500% increase in attacks directly related to work-from-home individuals. 

Now is the time to strengthen your IT security team, if you haven’t done so yet. 

But hurry up. The skills shortage is getting worse.

News from the frontlines…

One more week equals one more look at the new tech initiatives being launched to help fight the novel pandemic. 

Speaking of cybersecurity, Microsoft announced that its AccountGuard security service is now available for free for healthcare staff, as well as for human rights and humanitarian organisations. 

The company has also released a new security patch addressing 113 bugs. Make sure to update your system.

Cloud provider DigitalOcean has created a hub where developers can share their projects aimed at tackling the crisis. The various initiatives go from hackathons to remote learning and quarantine support platforms.  

A start-up called Thoughtful Human has partnered with BetterHelp to offer a free month of emotional support with licensed therapists.

Working on Mars — from home

Nothing better to remind you that you’re not alone working from home.

NASA’s Curiosity team keeps operating the Mars rover from the comfort of their households. Inspiring to say the least.

If they can coordinate across time zones and different computing setups to drive a robot that’s millions of miles away, we can all weather this storm. 

Data & Business Intelligence Job Descriptions

Data Analyst

Data Analyst is the go-to expert for all operations related to the company’s databases. They assemble and processes data in order to assess business activity and make appropriate recommendations. Their job allows them to “make the data speak” by interpreting them.

This relatively new digital profession is essential in all sectors: commerce, finance, banking, insurance…

Also explore the role of the IoT Consultant

What is the role of a Data Analyst?

Create and model databases

Certainly, one of the first missions of the Data Analyst is to collect, process and study statistical data to produce business analysis and provide recommendations. That is to say, the analyst creates and models the various databases necessary to accomplish the tasks, ensuring proper functioning and the regular updating of the database.

Define segmentation criteria

The Data Analyst is also responsible for defining segmentation. To do this, they must find relevant data sources that allow them, for example, to define the target of marketing campaigns or identify consumer trends.

Popularize data and make it accessible

For example, extracting and translating business data into statistical data makes it possible to synthesize and popularize information. This data processing allows company managers and teams to analyze the data and use it to improve performance.

Required skills of the Data Analyst

An appetite for numbers

Above all, to be a successful, you must first of all love statistics. Reports, tables, graphs… are the main working tools of the Data Analyst.

Knowledge in data analysis and statistical methodologies

An expert in Data Analysis musts also have mastery of statistical methodologies and associated mathematical models to set up efficient analysis systems.

Proficiency in IT tools, languages ​​and databases

Then, Proficiency in the DB SQL computer language, as well as in web analytics tools and data mining tools is often essential for data analysts.

Extreme rigour

Moreover, as this is an activity requiring the manipulation of encrypted data, the Data Analyst must be endowed with extreme rigour, having developed and analytical mind and fool-proof organization skills. Concentration is also one of the skills needed to be a good analyst. They also must keep abreast of new legal and regulatory regulations for data management.

Also read the differences between Big Data and Business Intelligence

Within the industry

The Data Analyst is a more than buoyant function which is set to keep developing strongly. With the evolution of the IT landscape, companies face exponential growth in the number of data. Therefore, large companies in areas like finance, e-commerce, marketing, industry and medicine are the most likely businesses to recruit in this area.

Salary of the Data Analyst

The average daily rate is between €400 and €800.

Training of the Data Analyst

In conclusion, to become a Data Analyst, college-level training is required. Companies tend to favour candidates who have followed courses in engineering, statistics, or even computer science.

To go higher up in this function then, it is recommended to pursue a specialized master’s program. Several career paths are possible, including as consultant positions such as Data Scientist, Business Intelligence Engineer, Data Engineer or even Chief Data Officer.

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Free IT Courses for Locked-Down Tech Pros

It’s probably safe to say that we all have uttered these words at some point in our lives — If I had more time, I would….

With a good part of the world on lockdown to fight the expansion of COVID-19, now it might be the perfect time to put this premise to the test. Even if your effective schedule remains unaltered and you are simply working from home, there’s still a lot that you can do with whatever time you’re saving by not having to commute.With this in mind, several online learning platforms and software manufacturers have made some courses available for free so that tech and IT professionals like yourself can exit this crisis better prepared. These courses add to the already extensive list of free online resources that were already accessible before the quarantine. 

Re-skilling and continuous learning are a must for those looking to advance their career in a field like technology, where skill shortages are a prevalent problem and tools are constantly being updated. Accordingly, we suggest you make the most of the extra time on hand by benefitting from the below resources.


The eLearning powerhouse has always offered a multitude of free courses from ivy-league universities and top technical schools across the globe — especially if you didn’t mind not receiving an official diploma for which you had to pay. However, and until May 31, a total of 100 courses will be accessible for free through the platform.

The reviews team at Business Insider has gone through the list of courses and identified 9 of them related to computer science. You will obtain an official certificate upon completion, at no cost and even enjoying access to otherwise premium features like homework grading and expanded reading materials

Hurry up, as most of these courses start today, April 08 – and make sure to add that certificate to your CV and LinkedIn profile once the course is completed. 

The list includes:


With a somewhat more of a quick-bite and mobile mentality, Udemy offers a wide variety of courses and tutorials in dozens of topics. These are taught by subject matter experts and eLearning initiatives directly, without requiring the involvement of a third-party institution. 

The portal has made available over 530 courses for free so we can all invest in our education in the upcoming weeks. A lot of these focus on IT-related topics, from data science to videogame design.

Examples include:      


A household name in tech education and computing, Codeacademy offers free courses on topics spanning from coding to computational theory and web development. The possibilities are almost endless, and you can even choose specific skill paths like building chatbots with Python or creating front-end apps with React.  

CompTIA IT Fundamentals

The Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA), known globally for its reputed certification programs, is offering free 30-day learning licenses for its IT Fundamentals (ITF+) curriculum. The overall course is probably too introductory if you are a seasoned tech expert, but you might find it touches on topics you haven’t had time to explore.

You can also pass the link along to anyone who is considering a career in IT but is not quite sure yet.

SAP and Microsoft

Another career-advancement option for these days of confinement is investing time in official vendor certifications and learning programs. These let you master some of the world’s most ubiquitous software tools and validate your skills in front of the community.

Leading ERP provider SAP is providing free access to a total of 35 courses to prepare for its official certifications. You even get a free first attempt at the official exam. The courses cover areas including building bots with SAP’s RPA or the business migration to S/4HANA – a course that can give you a great competitive edge given S/4HANA’s growing momentum.  

Additionally, Microsoft Learn offers a comprehensive host of learning resources for Dynamics 365, Microsoft 365, or the Power Platform. among others. Just keep in mind that, to protect its staff from the virus, Microsoft has implemented some changes in its user policy, as well as extended certain courses and deadlines. Here’s a full list of changes.    

Don’t forget your soft skills

Last but not least, think of dedicating some time to develop your soft skills. In IT, it is becoming increasingly vital to possess a strong set of soft skills to complement your technical ones – from interpersonal communication to adaptability and creative thinking.

Or perhaps you should focus on your mental health and resilience? LinkedIn Learning is providing free mindfulness courses to help people cope with lockdowns.

Also discover our guide: IT Job Hunting Done Well: A Step-by-Step Guide

ERP & SAP Job Descriptions

The Different S/4HANA Roles

What are the different S/4HANA roles that IT professionals can choose to take?

As a result of the impending 2030 deadline, businesses still relying on SAP’s older software find themselves in a race against the clock to migrate to S/4HANA; a lengthy and hefty task. But early adoption has been sluggish, and few SAP specialists have had the chance to get hands-on experience with the technology.

Demand for S/4 skills is higher than ever and will only increase in the coming months. Both newcomers and SAP veterans have now the chance to jump on the S/4HANA bandwagon and give a boost to their career.  

Functional vs. Technical roles

Just as with ECC6, there are two main categories of S/4HANA roles: functional and technical. However, these two categories often overlap with one another, and the best specialists have a combination of the two.

Then, functional roles essentially serve as the link between business and solution development, helping organisations design and implement S/4HANA environments. These profiles combine a sound technical understanding of SAP’s ERP suite with domain expertise – having knowledge of, for example, finance or HR. They also possess strong communication and leadership capabilities. Therefore, a functional expert has a strong business background and a very good understanding of business flows and processes. Thus, that leads them to be responsible for customising the ecosystem after the implementation of new flows or after an evolution in the core model.

On the other hand, technical roles, as the name suggests, have more to do with the development (coding), monitoring and running of S/4HANA applications. Their main strength is in IT, and less so in industry knowledge or interpersonal skills. However, that doesn’t mean technical profiles don’t need to be competent in these areas – soft skills are becoming more and more crucial for IT professionals.  

Functional roles

Specialists in functional S/4HANA roles come from a technical background or are at least well-versed in the technical requirements and capabilities of S/4HANA. Then, domain or industry expertise is a must, as they must have a good grasp of all those non-IT-related concepts to design efficient solutions.

Moreover, a great part of the functional specialist’s job is coordinating with business leaders, end-users and all the other roles involved in the SAP project. Consequently, they also must be good communicators and have well-developed project management and organisational skills. 

Also, the specific role within the team mostly depends on the depth of focus and level of seniority. The main functional roles include:    

Business Analyst

Firstly, SAP Business Analysts are responsible for assessing and defining the business case driving S/4HANA implementation. These professionals understand the ins and outs of SAP’s platform, leveraging great business and industry acumen to identify what ERP solutions can be applied to optimise company operations. They also help train end-users in the use of the platform.

They often come from a business background or have extensive experience in the specific industry and practice (e.g. Finance or manufacturing), a skillset they complement with S/4 training and know-how. Others started in IT and have later garnered valuable business and consultancy expertise.  

Application / Module expert

These are very focused business analysts or more technical profiles specialised in a particular S/4HANA module (e.g. Finance, Sales). These subject matter experts can provide advice and implement SAP components or oversee their day-to-day operations — or both. It is a must for module experts to be proficient in the area of business to which their module relates.

A good example of an SAP application expert is the SAP FI/CO consultant or analyst. These professionals are specialists in de Finance and Controlling modules, expertise which they combine with financial wisdom to help companies produce reports and streamline operational costs. 

Solution Architect

As their title suggests, solution architects are the ones designing the S/4HANA environment based on the company’s business needs. They also have a big-picture mentality, which they mix with a deep understanding of SAP tools and other software and hardware tools to devise custom-made ERP systems.

In addition, architects need to be good at communicating their vision and collaborating across the many teams involved in a project, both in technical roles and in more business-related areas.

Project Manager

Somewhat the least technical role of them all, the project manager coordinates the full life-cycle implementation and configuration of S/4HANA projects. Think of them as a sports team coach. The project manager keeps track of project goals and progress while ensuring that every moving part is on the same page.

Moreover, these are individuals with strong leadership and communication skills and that have a knack for problem-solving. They possess a good understanding of the S/4HANA platform and its different modules. In fact, SAP project managers usually have a business background as well as expertise in core modules (e.g. Supply Chain or Finance). Under today’s continuous improvement and delivery (CI/CD) paradigm, project managers must also be proficient in Agile development methodologies.

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Technical roles

These are the developers and specialists responsible for delivering and maintaining the SAP solutions as designed by the functional half of the team. Technical specialists are also often involved in the design phase of a project and can help advice on capabilities or ways of approaching a problem. The best specialists in technical positions tend to have good business and domain knowledge and are able to put themselves in the shoes of the functional specialist.

Technical S/4HANA roles include:   

ABAP Developer

Creates, tests and implements S/4HANA solutions using SAP’s proprietary ABAP language. These are SAP’s hardcore coders, in charge of the platform’s back end and making the application work. They also are, of course, great coders, and they need to possess strong analytical and problem-solving skills.

The best ABAP developers combine mastery of S/4HANA modules with great creativity to deliver efficient and lean software solutions. They are also fluent in DevOps and Agile development methodologies and work well in CI/CD product cycles. 

SAP Fiori Developer

They are the front-end counterpart of ABAP developers. SAP Fiori is SAP’s advanced user experience (UX) engine. Fiori developers work together with their ABAP piers to develop the visual interface of S/4HANA applications.

In addition, these technical professionals are good coders, but they also possess skills in end-user-related areas like psychology

SAP Basis Administrator

The equivalent of a System Administrator in other platforms, SAP Basis administrators configure and ensure the correct performance and the reliability of the whole S/4 environment. They also have a mix of technical and interpersonal capabilities and do a lot of landscape management and monitoring.

Basis administrators have a deep understanding of the S/4HANA ecosystem and its different modules, but they are also knowledgeable in ABAP, Linux and Java. They also have good collaboration skills, as they need to coordinate with technical colleagues and end-users to keep the system in perfect shape. 

Security Analyst

Moreover, administers and monitors security roles and authorization profiles for S/4 systems. Security analysts can be also considered a more focused version of a basis administrator, combining deep technical knowledge of the SAP environment with a focus on security.

Security analysts are proficient in SAP’s role-based security concepts and Profile Generator. They also need to be able to speak to infrastructure-level security concerns to other, less technical roles within the IT team or business managers.

Data analyst

Lastly, these professionals leverage business intelligence and data management to produce insights that help inform business decisions. They are also experts in data engineering and databases, able to create high and low-level data product designs based on business and technology requirements. Moreover, data analysts are experts in SAP HANA in-memory database, and they need fluency in Agile methodologies to be able to collaborate effectively with the rest of the technical team. Additionally, the best data analysts possess good business and domain acumen, which lets them reach deeper and more actionable insights and better communicate with their business peers.

Want to make the most of S/4HANA’s career potential? Also Check our comprehensive S/4HANA Careers Guide.

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