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The World Has Stopped — Your Career Doesn’t Need To

Yes, the world has stopped. We are living through scary and uncertain times. Millions of people find themselves stuck at home for the foreseeable future. While businesses across the globe scramble to move their operations online and stay afloat. In this climate of uncertainty, economists and global institutions are telling us to brace for the worst crisis since 2008; some say even worse. Workers are losing their jobs, and whole activity sectors are freezing new hires.   

If you were in the middle of a job hunt when all this started, nobody would blame you for becoming discouraged by the current situation. Or perhaps your current IT projects have been put on hold and you are fear you might not be able to find new ones anytime soon.  

Well, we have a message for you — don’t surrender. There is still plenty you can do.  

Thriving amid adversity 

At the same time that industries like commercial aviation are going through the darkest days of their history, other businesses are thriving. From entertainment platforms and social networks to online retail and videoconferencing services, some companies are simply very well-positioned to take advantage of our society’s sudden change of habits. Even too well-positioned in some cases.  

Enterprise cloud companies are experiencing lag and connectivity issues, while streaming services have had to downgrade their video quality to cope with the traffic increase. Meantime retailers are hiring in mass to meet the demand for online shopping and home deliveries. You can focus your job search on those sectors that are thriving in the middle of this chaos. There are plenty.  

You can also join the frontlines of the fight against COVID-19 by collaborating with the many technological initiatives now underway — from 3D-printed ventilators to AI and data modelling.   

A global thirst for IT specialists 

The coronavirus outbreak has prompted a lot of companies to undergo light-speed digital transformation. Classes are going online, telemedicine is now a real thing, and you can visit museum exhibits through your laptop.  

All of these organisations need skilled IT talent like yours. A recent study by London’s Imperial College suggests that, only in the UK alone, 48% of companies will prioritize technology hiring in the coming months.  

Additionally, the soaring numbers of employees working remotely is accentuating an already existing problem: the cybersecurity skills shortage. If you have security experience or are thinking of obtaining some, now it’s the time.  

The world has stopped: Gain new skills, take a closer look at your career 

When was the last time you had so much time? Only the hours saved by not having to commute should be enough for you to benefit from the current situation.  

Tons of free learning resources are available online these days, from coding bootcamps to university classes in all sorts of topics. Some eLearning portals like MasterClass have even started offering free courses for those at home because of to the pandemic. You can also develop your skills with a certain technology by using free official resources like openSAP or Microsoft Learn

On the other hand, it’s not always that we get the chance to stop for a moment and re-evaluate our career’s direction while the world has stopped. Are you happy with what you currently do, or perhaps is it time to embrace other passions?  Is there something you could do or improve on to advance your career?  

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How to Prepare for an IT Job Interview

What’s the best way to prepare for an IT job interview? Selection processes can be quite daunting – especially when we are talking about first interviews. But, even if you are a seasoned expert who thinks they have got interviewing techniques all figured out, it never hurts to look at how you approach these defining moments and see what you can do better.   

As with many things in life, common sense can help a great deal.   

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First impressions  

The first, and most obvious, point to consider is that first impressions are often everything. How much the interviewers like you or not will make the difference between getting called in for a second interview and receiving a “thank you for your interest” email. With that in mind, take also into account that first interviews might not be with your future manager – most are conducted by HR professionals and therefore are focused on softer skills rather than on technical ones.   

Knowledge is power. Showing that you took the time and effort to thoroughly research the company shows your professionalism and interest in the position. Take a look at the company’s website and social media accounts, at the project or department with which you will be involved. Get a sense of what they do, and, most importantly, what they have done recently. Chances are they recently released a new product or service, that they were featured in a news article. See if you can factor that into the conversation.   

You should also try to get a sense of culture. Is it formal, laid back? The response will help you prepare better.  

I am not going to get into the recommended attire – that goes without saying.   


Let’s clarify something. Conducting extensive research and preparations for the interview does not mean you should just show up and play the part. Honesty is key, both to your interviewers and to yourself. Pretending to be in line with everything the company might get you the job after all. But the truth will eventually reveal itself, and you will either end up hating your job or not fitting in.   

Be straightforward, be yourself.  

Be humble, but ring the bell  

Honesty is great, but it is even better when paired with humility. The purpose of job interviews is to evaluate a candidate’s fit for a position. Both culturally and in terms of technical skills. That requires you to highlight your abilities and qualifications; to present your story in a way that further reinforces the good feeling the interviewer got from your CV. But no one likes self-absorbed and presumptuous colleagues.   

To avoid giving the impression of being one, make sure to keep a balanced approach when describing your past professional experience and achievements. Be the humble person everyone knows you are, don’t be afraid of admitting you don’t know about a particular topic and avoid overstatements.   

CV Writing Tips for IT Professionals

The tricky question   

“So… Tell me about a time you made a mistake and how you solved it”. Many wait with dread for the moment when they are asked one of these infamous tricky questions. They can feel like a trap – say the wrong thing, and you’re toast.   

In reality, and no matter what some claim, there is not a right or wrong way to answer these questions. They are designed for two things: to reveal your thought processes and to evaluate your professional character and professional ethics. With that in mind, let the previously mentioned points – honesty and humility – guide your way.  

Prepare for an IT Job Interview: Ask questions yourself  

Finally, it is very important to ask questions back. It does not only make the interview more dynamic and helps you guide the conversation;but it also shows that you have initiative and are proactive when faced with a challenge. It also offers a good opportunity to show you did your homework and researched the company carefully. Ask them what it was like to implement that project, or how much you liked their new platform.   

For more tips on how to prepare for an IT job interview, check out our advice to face technical interviews.

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The 5 Most Sought-After Soft Skills in IT Consulting

If you wonder how to get a job in IT consulting, here are the top 5 most sought-after soft skills in IT that you should cultivate to thrive in consulting.  

Soft skills are becoming more and more decisive in the IT world. Which traditionally valued technical or hard skills above all others. That made sense when IT departments were siloed from other areas of activity and seldom involved in everyday business decisions. But today, technology permeates all layers of our society and is integral to the success of most companies. As a result, IT consultants now more than ever need to possess a series of complementary traits. To stand out among their peers, work more effectively with others and secure the best contracts.

Also discover The Top IT Skills to Master in 2024

Top 5: Most Sought-After Soft Skills in IT

Entrepreneurial spirit 

The first of the most sought-after soft skills in IT is the entrepreneurial spirit. One of the key qualities for consultants in any field is their entrepreneurial drive. Consultants need to be proactive in their efforts to find new projects and clients to work with. They should be able to identify and outline a career path, to find a niche suitable to their capabilities and where they can shine. New business development know-how is also important. To become an IT consultants you must stay on the lookout for contract opportunities and foster professional relationships that will lead to them.  

At the same time, this very same proactiveness is one of the main reasons employers hire IT consultants in the first place. They want an expert that can operate autonomously and bring in a new perspective to a particular problem . Which brings us to the next point.  


Also referred to as problem-solving, the ability to approach scenarios with an open mind is very advantageous in fields like IT. In which the best path forward is not always obvious. Lateral thinking is one of the principles upon which innovation is built.  

Making the most of the resources available to you is critical when time is of the essence and the map uncharted. If you like riddles and logic puzzles, you are on the right track.    

What Makes a Successful Web Dev: Stefan Judis, Front-End Dev Expert


Jumping from one project to the other requires flexibility. The to become an excellent IT consultants you need to be capable of succeeding across different teams and industries. Adapt to different company cultures and ways of working. As well as to the various IT infrastructures and development environments of the modern enterprise.    

Furthermore, technology and businesses are constantly evolving. And consultants must update their skillset and knowledge accordingly if they want to stay relevant.  

Interpersonal skills 

Adaptability is closely tied to the ability to work collaboratively. IT consultants not only need to interact effectively with other engineers and managers; they also must engage with other stakeholders – like decision-makers and end users —  who might not be proficient in certain technologies or jargon. A good IT consultant can communicate problems, solutions and needs in a clear and plain manner that everyone will understand.    

On the other hand, possessing good interpersonal skills helps IT consultants better integrate into company teams. When you are brought into a pre-existing project, it is very important to be able to connect with other employees to both have a better experience and make sure all those involved are aware of the added value you are delivering.  

From a business development perspective, social skills can greatly help in your networking efforts to find contracts.      


The last of the soft skills most sought after by companies to hire an IT consultant is curiosity. Just as importantly, a good consultant should keep a hungry mind. The curiosity to learn new things, whether they are related to your area of expertise or to a specific business domain, is the engine that propels professional and personal development forward. Ask questions – to yourself and to others. Scratch the surface and always try to go the extra mile.  

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The ‘Holy Trinity’ of Data Science

There are probably dozens of variants of the Venn diagram that Drew Conway proposed a few years ago to capture the core skills of a data scientist. Needless to say, the role has experienced many changes since then, while rapid technological developments and the boom of AI have further propelled the profession to the top of LinkedIn’s emerging jobs ranking.

Well — we couldn’t resist putting forward our own version of the infamous Venn diagram. Like Conway’s, ours is built on three axes. However, our model focuses on broader categories rather than on specific expertise. In today’s ever-changing business world, soft and cross-cutting skills are the truly decisive factors that, in the long run, can ensure adaptability and success.  

Thus, our “holy trinity,” if you will, of data science is made up of:

  • Curiosity
  • Technical know-how
  • Collaboration

Thinking of a career in the field, or wondering if you’re doing this right? Let’s dive into each component.

The importance of a curious mind

Probably obvious, but it’s impossible to talk about science and not mention the innate curiosity that powers it. Whether you plan to explore the possibility of life in other planets or the mysteries of quantum entanglement, it is the thirst for answers to questions and riddles that will make you advance.

This, of course, applies to the problem-solving capabilities required in data science projects. Nevertheless, well-directed technical inquiries tend to fall on shaky ground whenever there are not accompanied by a good contextual understanding. Just because you’re good at playing with data and creating models that produce intricate insights and machine learning experiences, none of it is worth anything if your work isn’t helpful to the overarching goal.

For this reason, the need for curiosity expands to the domain of expertise in which you operate (i.e. finance, political studies, marketing). The more you know about the field of work of your company or department, the better questions you will ask yourself, the useful insights and models you will produce.

Note that we’re highlighting “curiosity” rather than “knowledge.” You’re going to spend many hours working with this data. Make sure it’s something that you are passionate about or at least find interesting.  

Knowing the technical ins and outs

Some describe a data scientist as someone who knows more about math and statistics than your average programmer while having greater coding capabilities than your average mathematician. Although this definition errs on side of oversimplification, it is not totally misguided.

To be successful in data science, you need to be proficient in certain data engineering and coding-related methodologies and practices. It is important not only to know how to build effective code, but also how to efficiently extract and clean data.

Additionally, there is the crucial technical knowledge that has less to do with computer engineering and more with, for instance, data privacy compliance. You must know what data sets you can manipulate and which ones you can’t, which processes can be computed on the cloud and which ones are better reserved for on-premises infrastructure. At the same time, if you work in finance or in any other field where sector-specific concepts are a basic requirement, you will have to dominate those on top of your knowledge of data science.

Playing as a team

This is where soft skills play the biggest role. Interpersonal communication and teamwork have always been one of the key factors of success Their relevance in this hyperconnected world of ours is only increasing.

There must be good cooperation between all teams and stakeholders involved in the process, and, for that, you should be able to communicate efficiently and in a compelling way. It’s not enough with working closely with developers or analysts. Knowing how to present a project in layman’s terms becomes essential if you want to be granted the staff or computational power that you’ll need to complete it.

Apart from this, you need to be well-versed in concepts like Agile development, which help teams streamline the production pipeline. Version control, a unified repository, and a good understanding between development and production are a teamwork-must in today’s IT world.   

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S/4HANA Migration: A Golden Opportunity for IT Professionals

A shadow looms on the horizon for organizations running SAP’s ECC. Although the ERP provider has announced this week that it will be extending support until 2030, that’s not that much more time. S/4HANA migration is no easy feat. And, as of now, it doesn’t look like many companies are rushing to be done with the migration as soon as possible.

According to a report by Resulting IT, only 8% of organisations using ECC have made the transition to the new iteration of SAP’s software suite. That is alarming, especially considering that the report estimates the current product set has over 400 million lines of code and many companies have invested millions customizing it. These will have to be re-written when moving to S/4HANA.

But that’s just the beginning of the story. And the next part has some great news for you.

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A widening skills gap

The same Resulting IT report revealed that, although 48% of respondents had worked on S/4 projects, a good chunk of these are solutions architects. That suggests that SAP experts are mostly in the early blueprinting stages of the project. Hence there’s a general lack of experience in the live or nearing go-live stages of the transition.

In other words – Not that much boots-on-the-ground experience.

Since the report also indicates that only 18% of business managers plan to develop their in-house S/4HANA expertise, SAP consultants will be in high demand in the months and years to come. If you couple that with the fact that 40% of SAP experts plan to retire within the next 10 years, we are looking at the perfect storm. And that opens up the opportunity for you to seize the moment and become the most desired SAP pro in town.

S/4 skills will pay well. Very well

Think about it. If you get involved in S/4 projects now and gain as much real-world experience as possible, your career prospects and salary expectations will increase exponentially. And that’s not only true for SAP consultants and freelancers. Permanent employees with proven S/4 skills will quickly advance ranks within their companies. The S/4-savvy consultants surveyed in the report expect to charge between £650 and £749 per day. Experienced in-house specialists estimate a yearly salary of £100,000.

So, how should you go about gaining these career-critical skills?

Should You Become a Freelance S/4HANA Consultant?

Becoming an S/4HANA migration expert

Start small. There are plenty of resources available online for you to start getting your feet wet, most of them provided directly by SAP.

If you’re an ABAP developer, for example, SAP has made available for purchase a S/4HANA development guide. The e-book encourages you to combine your skills in ABAP, SAP Fiori, core data services, and more to master the end-to-end development process for SAP S/4HANA applications.

If you are looking for a broader perspective, SAP’s training academy has a complete set of in-depth courses. They come in both self-paced and instructor-led formats. Dive into your topic of choice and get certified. Once you’ve mastered the theory, find a project or job that gives you that real-world experience.

These are golden days for SAP consultants. Take advantage of it.

Want to make the most of S/4HANA’s career potential? Check out our comprehensive S/4HANA Careers Guide.

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The 3 cloud specialists companies will chase

Let’s discover what are the 3 cloud specialists companies will chase.  

Are you working in cloud or thinking of redirecting your career towards this rapidly expanding field? Well, you’re on the right track. About 83% of companies are expected to be in the cloud by the end of this year. That, coupled with the fact that the industry is experiencing a major skills shortage, means that greatness awaits those daring to venture into the cloudy unknown. Especially if you consider the increasing complexity of the cloud environment itself.

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Public, private and hybrid cloud

In the dawn of time, there was either the public or the private cloud. Then came the hybrid cloud, a mix of both public and private cloud that takes the best of both worlds.

Then, 2023 will be all about multi-cloud, the use of different cloud service providers to optimize business operations, lower costs and avoid vendor lock-in.  

Top 3 – Cloud specialists companies will chase

In a recent TechRepublic survey, over 67% of respondents said they’re currently using or planning to use services from multiple cloud vendors. If these stats hold true, the need for highly qualified cloud experts that can navigate the growing complexity will only increase.

So, what specific roles are going to be the most sought after? Nemertes Research CIO John Burke proposes the following three.

Cloud solution architect  

Firstly, ideally involved from the beginning in the design of a cloud strategy that suits the needs of the organization, a cloud architect is the one with the big-picture perspective. This is a vital attribute when pondering the strengths and disadvantages of different cloud providers and what workloads should be assigned to each one.    

Once the architecture is deployed, a cloud solution architect is responsible for monitoring its proper functioning and for looking into ways to optimize operations by continuously upgrading tools and services.

Cloud integration specialist 

Then, just to squeeze a bit more out of the architectural analogy, think of the cloud integration specialist as the construction manager. While the architect designs the building, the cloud integrator is in charge of ensuring its correct construction by managing and integrating the workflows of the many parties involved. In IT terms, that means integrating the myriad of tools, dataflows and workflows that collide in a multi-cloud environment.   

If you prefer being down in the trenches, involved in everyday operations, this might be the right role for you.     

Also read our article about Building the dream team for multi-cloud success

Cloud security specialist 

We’ve touched on this topic in other articles: when it comes to security, specialization is key. This is particularly true in a multi-cloud environment, where threats are especially difficult to detect and cauterize due to the disparities in response time and security tools that come from working with several vendors.

On top of that, and as we’ve seen in our cybersecurity predictions for 2020, the vulnerabilities and sheer amounts of data of the multi-cloud are just too many and too alluring for hackers to ignore. Attackers will be doubling their attempts to breach into company systems through the cloud. They will even leverage the cloud themselves to launch more cost-effective attacks with greater frequency. Rest assured — Cloud security experts will be in high demand.           

All in all, no matter what path you have chosen, or end up choosing in the world of cloud, this will be a land of opportunity for years to come.  

Also read ou articles: Data security : Is your cloud data secure? and Cybersecurity Careers Overview

Growing your career: permanent & freelance IT Consultants

Give a boost to your career with these free resources for MS developers

So… it’s almost February — How are those New Year resolutions panning out? Any of them involves learning a new skill? Probably not. Going to the gym rather than just paying for it. Dry month. Quit something. So torturous. We suggest a more positive approach. You’re already a pro. We know that. But there’s always room for improvement. In tech, you must stay up to date if you want to remain relevant. That means updating your dev toolkit and skills on a regular basis. And, because we are aware that you’re a busy person and you don’t always have the time to drop by your local Microsoft Ignite conference. We wanted to share a few tips and resources for MS developers to make your CV look shinier than ever.

Resources for MS developers: information is power

First things first. If lately you have been taking a break from the media, spend a few minutes catching up on the most relevant app-dev news of the last year. TechTarget’s David Carty has compiled a very useful list of the top 5 new stories of 2019 that will dictate what happens in software development in 2020.  

Of special relevance — GitHub’s decision to open its licensing to include unlimited private repositories, a great move for small teams of developers. Also worth mentioning, the enhancement of Microsoft’s Power Platform, which now provides better tools for developers wanting to easily build chatbots and apps for data analysis or business process automation.

Upgrade your toolkit

Another resources for MS developers is to make sure you check out the recommendations that Infoworld’s Simon Bisson makes for platform developers looking to strengthen their abilities. From NET 5 and WinUI 3.0, to AKS, WSL 2 and Azure Sphere, Bisson proposes a great toolkit development routine; to start the year ahead of the competition

You can also take advantage of the myriad of free resources that are available online.

Although Microsoft discontinued MSDN Magazine last November after more than three decades. All of its issues are available on the company’s digital archive. The site packs tons of valuable information, from how-to guides to introductions to various technologies, tools and languages.  For example, the last MSDN magazine featured a practical guide for iterating with async enumerables in C# 8. And an article exploring Python functions and coding tips.

How To Learn Python With Rune

For more up-to-date resources, Microsoft Docs has loads of deep technical content. You can also check out for helpful in-depth technical blog posts. Visual Studio’s Subscriptions portal offers great training resources, and Visual Studio Dev Essentials has a full catalogue of useful development tools to explore.  

If you want to get serious, Microsoft’s Virtual Academy is a no brainer. With hundreds of online training courses spanning from Azure and Microsoft Dynamics to cloud development, the portal is a true gold mine for skill enhancement. We suggest you obtain the company’s official certifications in your desired area of expertise, as they will validate your expertise among the community and boost your career prospects.   

Get your feet wet with AI

Hungry for more? Try something different. If you haven’t yet played with AI, Azure Machine Learning has made it easier than ever to build AI models at scale. You can easily set up an account that grants you 12 months of access to a suite of useful and popular products. All for free — Unlike the gym to which most likely you’re not going.  

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