Press review Tech Magazine

Weekly News Digest #6

Join us as we bid farewell to one of the fathers of UI. Larry Tesler, the innovator behind “cut”, “copy” and “paste” passed away earlier this week. He was instrumental in making computers accessible to the general public, and we owe him much for that.

Tesler’s CV included Stanford, Xerox and Apple. His chief invention, cut and paste, is said to be based on the old editing technique of cutting portions of text and gluing them elsewhere. The feature debuted in Apple’s 1983 Lisa computer.

A week in retrospect…

Let’s start with AI.

Researchers from the ESPCI Paris and the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology recently published a study which might explain why single-celled organism like viruses are so successful. The research shows that, under the right ecological conditions, groups of these organisms start behaving like a single one.

The computational models used to recreate said conditions can have a tremendous impact on AI research. By emulating the natural selection process, we could build rich neural networks that one day could rival even that of the human brain.

The Internet of (Wild) Things.

Both climate change and IoT are in everyone’s mouths these days. Not often in the same sentence, though.

We can’t recommend enough Charles McLellan’s piece on how IoT is helping organisations fight biodiversity loss and climate change. From camera-based anti-poaching systems, to listening networks that monitor for the sound of chainsaws, NGOs and charities are doing impressive things all over the world.

A truly refreshing perspective on the applications of emerging tech.

In mergers and acquisitions…

Google has acquired the Dutch company Cornerstone, which specializes in helping companies transition from on-premises to the public cloud. The move signals the push of big tech companies to deliver all-in-one cloud solutions and achieve market dominance.

Meanwhile, Dell is selling the cybersecurity leader RSA to a consortium of equity firms. The company said in a statement that the $2-billion deal will help simplify its business and product portfolio.

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AI for recruitment: How AI will allow recruiters to focus on people

AI for recruitment. AI penetrates all areas and promises tremendous gains in efficiency, speed and performance. There has been a lot of media buzz lately around its recruitment applications. What long-term impact will AI have on the staffing industry? Used well, these new technological tools will allow recruiters to focus on their added value and; paradoxically; make the recruitment of the future more human.

AI promises in automation

For the past twenty years, we have witnessed an ever more extensive and efficient automation of the recruitment processes. These developments are built upon extremely complex analytical models. Defining and anticipating the skills that the company needs, identifying the most suitable talent and ranking candidates based on precise job criteria are processes that require taking into account many variables.

Moreover, through its ability to consider contextual elements as rich as they are varied, artificial intelligence promises to make this level of automation a reality. In a field like IT recruitment, where time is of the essence, being able to quickly match candidate profile with company requirements is a decisive advantage.

Artificial intelligence in IT recruitment

In the recruitment of IT freelancers, for example, AI makes it possible to process very quickly huge volumes of data linked to the profiles of candidates. Previous gigs, areas of expertise and preferred sectors, years of experience… But also exogenous data such as the candidate’s place of residence and travel times. AI also makes it possible to analyze the quality and interest of the positions offered. Helping identify the types of projects that are most promising in terms of career development.

Furthermore, considering elements linked to quality of life or to the characteristics of the offer maximises the chances of success of an investment; by making it possible to identify profiles with high potential and that are likely to be interested in the mission.

AI for IT recruitment: Towards an uberisation of recruitment?

AI’s capabilities are making great strides in matching supply and demand. Hence the emergence of fully automated solutions, of players who “platformise” recruitment. Which bring about a vision of recruitment as an almost exact science.

This vision would like technology to replace human appreciation entirely; thus putting an end to the recruitment profession and replacing it with ever more sophisticated and intelligent algorithms.

But this vision is implausible. Recruiting is not just a science, it is also an art.

IT recruitment: the human touch

In recruitment more than in any other field, the human being occupies by definition a central role. Soft skills, matching the values ​​and culture of the company, and compatibility with other team members… They are all key factors for a successful placement. As much as the level of education, years of experience, references or results obtained in a technical test. And yet, these are all parameters that an artificial intelligence can never assess as well as a human.

Even more so when we talk about recruiting for high-level positions. It is hard to imagine choosing a CIO or an Innovation Director via a fully automated process. Neither the candidate nor the company would subscribe to it.

Discover 5 Online Courses to Get You Up-To-Speed with AI

From artificial intelligence to augmented intelligence

It is really a question of going beyond the dialectic “all digital vs. all human”. Recruitment professions must integrate AI and make the most of it as a tool for human decision-making. And thus allow the business to refocus on its true added value.

AI involves a real qualitative leap, reducing the risk of error and saving unprecedented amounts of time. AI will certainly replace humans on certain tasks, but mainly in repetitive and boring tasks. It increases the performance of the recruiter by allowing faster and more targeted searches. And thus optimizes time and communication with the candidate. Far from dehumanizing the relationship, AI, on the contrary, allows us to focus even more on humans.

Artificial intelligence for recruiter: the next level

This is good news for recruiters. These new tools will allow the profession to gain new levels of recognition, with richer and more interesting daily tasks. Also, it will give us the ability to understand the needs of the company in terms of skills. To create a stronger connection with the candidates. As well as to understand the aspirations and constraints of each party involved.

It is also and above all good news for candidates. Because recruiters will be able to devote more time to them and offer them a better experience. Firms will be able to enrich their service offer with more support. Especially in the key stages of onboarding and taking of office of the selected candidate.

It is, therefore, the human-machine association, the combination of artificial intelligence and emotional intelligence. That will revolutionise recruitment and put people back at the heart of the processes. We may no longer be talking about Artificial Intelligence, but augmented Intelligence.

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The ‘Holy Trinity’ of Data Science

There are probably dozens of variants of the Venn diagram that Drew Conway proposed a few years ago to capture the core skills of a data scientist. Needless to say, the role has experienced many changes since then, while rapid technological developments and the boom of AI have further propelled the profession to the top of LinkedIn’s emerging jobs ranking.

Well — we couldn’t resist putting forward our own version of the infamous Venn diagram. Like Conway’s, ours is built on three axes. However, our model focuses on broader categories rather than on specific expertise. In today’s ever-changing business world, soft and cross-cutting skills are the truly decisive factors that, in the long run, can ensure adaptability and success.  

Thus, our “holy trinity,” if you will, of data science is made up of:

  • Curiosity
  • Technical know-how
  • Collaboration

Thinking of a career in the field, or wondering if you’re doing this right? Let’s dive into each component.

The importance of a curious mind

Probably obvious, but it’s impossible to talk about science and not mention the innate curiosity that powers it. Whether you plan to explore the possibility of life in other planets or the mysteries of quantum entanglement, it is the thirst for answers to questions and riddles that will make you advance.

This, of course, applies to the problem-solving capabilities required in data science projects. Nevertheless, well-directed technical inquiries tend to fall on shaky ground whenever there are not accompanied by a good contextual understanding. Just because you’re good at playing with data and creating models that produce intricate insights and machine learning experiences, none of it is worth anything if your work isn’t helpful to the overarching goal.

For this reason, the need for curiosity expands to the domain of expertise in which you operate (i.e. finance, political studies, marketing). The more you know about the field of work of your company or department, the better questions you will ask yourself, the useful insights and models you will produce.

Note that we’re highlighting “curiosity” rather than “knowledge.” You’re going to spend many hours working with this data. Make sure it’s something that you are passionate about or at least find interesting.  

Knowing the technical ins and outs

Some describe a data scientist as someone who knows more about math and statistics than your average programmer while having greater coding capabilities than your average mathematician. Although this definition errs on side of oversimplification, it is not totally misguided.

To be successful in data science, you need to be proficient in certain data engineering and coding-related methodologies and practices. It is important not only to know how to build effective code, but also how to efficiently extract and clean data.

Additionally, there is the crucial technical knowledge that has less to do with computer engineering and more with, for instance, data privacy compliance. You must know what data sets you can manipulate and which ones you can’t, which processes can be computed on the cloud and which ones are better reserved for on-premises infrastructure. At the same time, if you work in finance or in any other field where sector-specific concepts are a basic requirement, you will have to dominate those on top of your knowledge of data science.

Playing as a team

This is where soft skills play the biggest role. Interpersonal communication and teamwork have always been one of the key factors of success Their relevance in this hyperconnected world of ours is only increasing.

There must be good cooperation between all teams and stakeholders involved in the process, and, for that, you should be able to communicate efficiently and in a compelling way. It’s not enough with working closely with developers or analysts. Knowing how to present a project in layman’s terms becomes essential if you want to be granted the staff or computational power that you’ll need to complete it.

Apart from this, you need to be well-versed in concepts like Agile development, which help teams streamline the production pipeline. Version control, a unified repository, and a good understanding between development and production are a teamwork-must in today’s IT world.   

IT Decision-makers Tips & errors to avoid

Test These Upcoming Dynamics 365 Features

In a true CI/CD fashion, Microsoft makes public its Dynamics 365 features release plans months before starting production deployment. New and upgraded features are rolled out twice per year in two phases: wave 1 (April – September) and wave 2 (October-March).

The company published the 2020 wave 1 plan last month, with deployment set to begin on April 1st. Some of these features, like UX improvements, will be automatically enabled for end users during April. We suggest you review the full list of updates if you haven’t done so yet and assess ; whether or not a heads-up to those affected is in order.   

Meanwhile, customers and partners can explore a host of earlyaccess features in a non-production, sandbox environment. It’s always recommended to test these new functionalities ahead of deployment to ensure they run properly within your ecosystem. Early access also offers a great opportunity to revise business and reporting processes to see how the new tools can help optimise workflows.

We have gone through the official documentation and highlighted a few features for you and your staff. To tinker with before wave 1 kicks in. You can find a step-by-step guide on how to turn on early access here.  

Enhanced automation and data-sharing for marketing

Dynamics 365 Marketing is getting several additions to improve the customer journey experience and the automation of personalized email marketing. Delivering more dynamic and content-rich messages is now easier thanks to new test-sending and content design capabilities. Smarter customer journey management allows users to set time-sensitive automated emails to expire at a given time. While defining segments is now quicker and more intuitive.

In addition, marketers can now export customer data and results reports to Excel for further manipulation and analysis.   

Sales forecasting and smoother user experience

To facilitate the creation of bottom-up sales forecasts that help managers goal progress; Microsoft is introducing new model customization capabilities and increased forecast accuracy. End users will also enjoy a more seamless user experience, with easier email template selection and faster product-to-opportunity matchmaking.    

Good news for administrators! You’ll finally be able to explore feature settings and configure the Sales Hub application from a single location. Not, until April, however.   

Learn more about Microsoft career paths & Microsoft certifications

Dynamics 365 features: Greater efficiency of service and supply chain management

Microsoft is making it easier to deliver customer service in a faster and more personalized manner. Both remotely and on the field. Dynamics 365 Customer Service is improving search of and access to knowledge articles. As well as providing a more immersive timeline experience to review and register a customer’s history in real time.

As for Field Service, the module is getting a new dashboard for service managers to control the use of resources. Additionally, technician time tracking entries are being integrated into the platform for enhanced visibility.

In yet another push towards operational efficiency, Microsoft is also expanding IoT capabilities for Supply Chain Management. You can now set up notifications and relevant actions for users to take during order delays. Quality anomalies and equipment down scenarios. Users can set up devices via a non-code interface for quick and effortless access to this IoT intelligence service.  

Learn all about Microsoft careers and the various paths one can take within the Microsoft Technologies ecosystem with the Microsoft Technologies Careers Guide

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Weekly News Digest #5

A week in retrospect…

The global association of mobile operators (GSMA) announced on Wednesday that it is cancelling this year’s edition of the Mobile World Congress (MWC), the world’s largest mobile trade show. The decision was taken after several industry giants like Amazon, Ericsson and Deutsche Telekom pulled out for fear of the newly baptised COVID-19 virus.

The announcement comes as a huge financial blow for the city of Barcelona and for many smaller consumer electronics companies that rely on the show to debut their new devices and make most of the year’s deals.

Interestingly, it’s business as usual for other global trade shows of similar scale being held right now, like Amsterdam’s ISE. Multiple companies that cancelled their attendance to MWC are currently exhibiting their products and solutions at ISE, suggesting fear of the virus is not the only factor at play here.

Good and bad news fo ther UK’s tech sector. First the bad ones.

We learned this week that British tech firms ended 2019 with the worst quarterly results since 2012. The bump in the road seems to have been motivated by the political uncertainty surrounding the country’s geopolitcal future.

Don’t panic, though. The UK’s tech industry is doing great. In fact, it registered the tech world’s biggest salary raises in 2019. Even ahead of San Francisco and New York.

Meantime, in Switzerland…

What’s the easiest way to crack a country’s encrypted communications? Well, of course — to secretly buy the company selling them encryption services in the first place.

At least that’s what the CIA and the West German government did with the Swiss company Crypto AG. In what the CIA itself describes as “the intelligence coup of the century,” the U.S. intercepted other countries’ communications for decades.

The whole thing started with mechanical encryption devices and ended in 2018, when ubiquitous cyber-encryption services brought the Swiss firm to bankruptcy.

Lastly, if you’re working on apps for Windows, here’s a friendly reminder that Microsoft released this week a new dev toolkit for its dual-screen OS, Windows 10X.

Dual and foldable screens are the latest fad. Will they last?

IT Decision-makers Tips & errors to avoid

Secure your S/4HANA migration team before costs skyrocket

If your business is dependent on SAP’s ERP software suite and you are still running on ECC, then we’re probably not the first ones to tell you this — the clock is ticking. Yes. As of last week, SAP is officially extending free ECC support throughout 2027 and optional maintenance until 2030. But that’s not that much extra time considering the hefty work the upgrade requires. How to secure your S/4HANA migration, the Golden Opportunity for IT Professionals?

In any case — What perhaps you haven’t considered yet is that, with every month that passes, the migration’s financial impact on your bottom line increases exponentially.

That is, of course, if like most companies, yours is not considering building S/4HANA capabilities in-house. According to a recent report by Resulting IT, only 18% of managers admit to having put a focus on developing internal SAP expertise.

Bringing external personnel into your team to infuse a good dose of talent is one of the best-proven skill development strategies out there. However, you might want to take into account external factors that are sure to turn the process into a very time-sensitive matter.

It’s a very simple equation:

Volume of work + Skills Shortage + High Percentage of Experts Retiring Soon = £ £ £ £ £ £ £

Let’s break it down, to secure of your S/4HANA migration.

Secure your S/4HANA migration #1 – Volume of work and internal reluctance

In recent years, we’ve all gotten used to software updates taking just a few minutes or hours at most. Not surprisingly, a lot of companies think of the migration to S/4HANA as a simple software update that will be ready over a weekend. Nothing further away from the truth.

Read our article about The Value of SAP and SAP S/4HANA.

Moving to S/4HANA requires a complete redesign of your ERP environment and, in many cases, of your business dataflows and reporting pipelines. That is a sizable project, especially considering that the same Resulting IT report puts the ECC product set at around 400 million lines of code. Add that to the extensive customizations most companies have implemented throughout the years, and you end up with quite a thick book to translate into S/4HANA.

However, it is not in the technical details that the biggest challenges reside. As SAP co-CEO Christian Klein stressed in the company’s most recent earnings call, the biggest obstacles to S/4 implementation are changing legacy business processes and gaining the acceptance of managers and employees.  

Undertaking the migration is a lengthy and resource-heavy process, but SAP has put in place all the tools your team will need. Now, convincing your organization to revisit its internal procedures and get used to a host of new tools — That’s different. And it is precisely why the move to S/4HANA demands a clear business case to start with. Which, in turn, requires time and advance planning.

#2 – Widening skills gap and an ageing workforce

Skill obsolescence is an unpleasant side effect of progress. Nothing new here, especially if we are talking about IT. Still, when it comes to S/4HANA, the difficulties in finding talent that is well-versed in the new environment multiply.

The aforementioned report also reveals a generalised lack of experience in the live or nearing go-live stages of the transition. Although 48% of SAP specialists declare having been involved in S/4 projects, a significant portion of these are solutions architects and therefore only have experience in the early blueprinting stages of the project. Securing the services of consultants with operational know-how will be no easy feat.

Couple that with the fact that 40% of UK SAP experts plan to retire within the next 10 years, and we are looking at the perfect storm.

S/4-savvy consultants surveyed in the report expect to charge between £650 and £749 per day. And that’s not only true for external talent. Permanent employees with proven S/4 skills will also benefit from the situation, with an estimated yearly salary of at least £100,000 and increased career prospects.

In a nutshell – Migrating to S/4HANA is a race against increasing employee costs as much as it is a race against the clock. If your organization plans on sticking to SAP solutions, it is a good idea for both your wallet and peace of mind to start procedures as soon as possible


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Freelancers in tech: did you say precariousness?

Freelancing is the subject of much ink as the gig economy keeps on growing. Frequently portrayed as the future of work, freelancing is not always the Holy Grail of well-being … especially not in tech, an area that is so buoyant.

Whoever says freelance often implies freedom, autonomy, a passion-driven career. But make no mistake: the reality is often far from ideal. Freelance status is also synonymous with limited social protections, fluctuating activity and having to deal with a good amount of internal red tape. A mixed bag, then. A status that might not always be enviable.

What’s it like in the fields of technology, digital and data, which are particularly dynamic and hungry for talent? Are freelancers to envy or do they face the same difficulties?

Tech, a sector rather favourable to freelancers

It is quite evident that the situation of freelancers in tech is significantly better than for those in other sectors. With the same level of experience, a freelance web developer or a SAP consultant will find it easier to find assignments and will be better paid than a freelance photographer or a communications consultant.

Firstly, because the talent war is particularly intense in these areas of competence, with companies fighting to attract and retain the best profiles. Secondly, because in tech and digital companies often work in “project mode”. This operational mentality lends itself very well to freelancing, with very specific skill needs and limited time.

And this trend is accelerating — Organizations are progressively opening up to the idea of ​​collaborating with freelancers and are increasingly structured in ways that allow for greater integration of this type of employee. However, on closer inspection, the reality is more heterogeneous than it seems.

Varying career prospects

As in all sectors and areas of activity, it can be difficult for freelance consultants to make themselves visible to companies. Furthermore, the logic of supply and demand varies greatly depending on the field and the function.

If a consultant with expertise in SAP management software is in addition specialized in a specific SAP module, they will be able to expect an average daily rate of between 500 and 850 pounds. Meanwhile, an independent web designer will often be satisfied with a daily salary of 250 to 350 pounds.

Beginners can find it difficult to find a place among the experts, as companies never hire a freelancer that needs to be trained. Additionally, for assignments that require a lower level of expertise, firms are more likely to call on lower-cost, offshore services.

In contrast, some tech freelancers hold a “rockstar” status, with a very high level of experience, highly specialized and sought-after skills, and excellent references. These profiles have a particularly enviable situation because they are over-solicited by recruiters and agents, and therefore in a position to impose very high levels of remuneration and particularly advantageous contractual conditions.

These rare profiles do not endure a latency period between two gigs, often have higher salaries than they would on permanent contracts, and enjoy the luxury of being able to choose their assignments. All the advantages of being self-employed, without the constraints.

Freelancers in tech: what is the recipe for success?

No miraculous formula here: success is first reserved for those who have proven themselves in terms of results and performance in the workplace. Reliability and flawlessness are fundamental.

And that’s not all. The entrepreneurial spirit counts quite a lot. Working freelance is a lifestyle choice that does not suit everyone. You must know how to manage the relational aspect and build trust with your customers, juggling between know-how and interpersonal skills. It’s also important to know how to make the right career choices.

What does exactly mean to make the right career choices? Well, first specialize in areas of expertise and / or sectors where the demand is high. Among the highly rated profiles of the moment: SAP consultants, Microsoft technology specialists and security and infrastructure expert.

Then you must make an effort to continuously improve and develop your skillset. Build a good CV with solid experiences, keep abreast and adapt to technological developments. Finally, learn how to enhance your profile and experiences, manage your visibility and maintain and nurture your professional network. It’s not easy when you’re independent since you often tend to focus on the present or the near future.

The good news is that you’re not alone. Tech recruiters and sourcing experts are well placed to guide professionals in the management of their development, as well as in the present and future development of their skills.

In summary, if tech freelancers want to be successful in this ever-evolving market, it is vital for them to know how to seize the right opportunities while positioning themselves in the best niches of expertise.

And thus the “rockstar” is born.

Press review Tech Magazine

Weekly News Digest #4

Good morning! So… Thursday. Quite the week, right?

The UK is officially no longer part of the EU. The Wuhan coronavirus is spreading almost as quickly as the xenophobia it has sparked. Oh, and Trump finally managed to turn the State of the Union address into a full-blown reality TV show.

We have prepared a whole new batch of resources and interesting reads for you to explore this week. But, first things first. Let’s see what the tech world has been up to.

A week in retrospect…

In case the Iowa caucuses weren’t complicated enough, the app designed to collect and share the vote results for the US Democratic Party went absolutely bonkers. It wasn’t hackers, though.

Apparently, someone was so excited to implement new voting technologies that they went ahead with an untested app developed by the aptly named company Shadow. No training for volunteers either. Because, you know — why. They spent the rest of the week manually counting the results. Oh, blessed be paper backup.

Meanwhile, somewhere over the rainbow…

The Cloud Wars wrapped up this fiscal year’s offensive as the big players announced Q4 earnings.

AWS retains its leadership, with Microsoft on second place and narrowing the gap. In third place, Google Cloud, which released its first official cloud earnings report earlier this week.

The FY2019 revenue table for the top 3 cloud divisions stands as follows:

  1. Amazon — $35 billion (37% more than in 2018)
  2. Microsoft — $16.4 billion (39% yearly increase)
  3. Google — $8.9 billion (53% spike from last year)

Also —IBM recently changed CEOs, promoting its head of cloud to the top position in an effort to catch up with the competition.

Let the 2020 race begin.

Big news for the SAP community this week — The company is extending free ECC support throughout 2027, with optional maintenance until 2030.

Looks like SAP has finally accepted an extension as inevitable if it wants more of its customers to migrate to S/4HANA. The ERP vendor has vowed to support the new iteration until 2040.

Finally, human trials of the first AI-designed drug will soon start in Japan.

Targeted at patients suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), the new compound represents a major technological and medical achievement. While the average drug development takes about 5 years to get to trials, AI did it in just 12 months.

Let’s hope it actually works. That would mean better, faster, and cheaper medicine for all.

IT Decision-makers Talent strategy

Building the dream team for multi-cloud success

What specific roles should you look for when building the core of your dream team for multi-cloud success? Nemertes Research CIO John Burke proposes the following three. And we agree with him.

About 83% of companies are expected to be in the cloud by the end of this year. Moreover, the industry is experiencing a major skills shortage. That generates a considerable level of uncertainty for those daring to venture into the cloudy unknown. Especially considering the increasing complexity of the cloud environment itself.   

The multi-cloud environment of today requires organisations to establish proper processes and talent strategies to remain on the winning side. From designing a formal workload placement process, to carefully onboarding all employees accessing the cloud, there are many matters to consider

In a recent TechRepublic survey, over 67% of respondents said they’re currently using or planning to use services from multiple cloud vendors. If you are part of this collective, you are probably aware that identifying and securing the right professionals to build your team is of crucial importance to the success of your cloud strategy.

Multi-Cloud Success Team

Cloud solution architect  

Ideally involved from the beginning in the design of a cloud strategy that suits the needs of the organisation, a cloud architect is the one with the big-picture perspective. This is a vital attribute when pondering the strengths and disadvantages of different cloud providers.

Then, a cloud solution architect is responsible for monitoring its proper functioning and for looking into ways to optimize operations by continuously upgrading tools and services.

Cloud integration specialist 

Let’s squeeze a bit more out of the architectural analogy: think of the cloud integration specialist as the construction manager. While the architect designs the building, the cloud integrator is in charge of ensuring its correct construction. This, by managing and integrating the workflows of the many parties involved. In IT terms, that means integrating the myriad of tools, dataflows and workflows that collide in a multi-cloud environment.   

Cloud security specialist 

We’ve touched on this topic in other articles: when it comes to security, specialization is key. This is particularly true in a multi-cloud environment where threats are especially difficult to detect and cauterize due to the disparities in response time and security tools that come from working with several vendors.

Moreover, and as we’ve seen in our cybersecurity predictions for 2020, the vulnerabilities and sheer amounts of data of the multi-cloud are just too many and too alluring for hackers to ignore. Attackers will be doubling their attempts to breach into company systems through the cloud. They will even leverage the cloud themselves to launch more cost-effective attacks with greater frequency. Make no mistake — Dedicated cloud security experts are a must in this evolving environment.           

Growing your career: permanent & freelance IT Consultants

S/4HANA Migration: A Golden Opportunity for IT Professionals

A shadow looms on the horizon for organizations running SAP’s ECC. Although the ERP provider has announced this week that it will be extending support until 2030, that’s not that much more time. S/4HANA migration is no easy feat. And, as of now, it doesn’t look like many companies are rushing to be done with the migration as soon as possible.

According to a report by Resulting IT, only 8% of organisations using ECC have made the transition to the new iteration of SAP’s software suite. That is alarming, especially considering that the report estimates the current product set has over 400 million lines of code and many companies have invested millions customizing it. These will have to be re-written when moving to S/4HANA.

But that’s just the beginning of the story. And the next part has some great news for you.

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A widening skills gap

The same Resulting IT report revealed that, although 48% of respondents had worked on S/4 projects, a good chunk of these are solutions architects. That suggests that SAP experts are mostly in the early blueprinting stages of the project. Hence there’s a general lack of experience in the live or nearing go-live stages of the transition.

In other words – Not that much boots-on-the-ground experience.

Since the report also indicates that only 18% of business managers plan to develop their in-house S/4HANA expertise, SAP consultants will be in high demand in the months and years to come. If you couple that with the fact that 40% of SAP experts plan to retire within the next 10 years, we are looking at the perfect storm. And that opens up the opportunity for you to seize the moment and become the most desired SAP pro in town.

S/4 skills will pay well. Very well

Think about it. If you get involved in S/4 projects now and gain as much real-world experience as possible, your career prospects and salary expectations will increase exponentially. And that’s not only true for SAP consultants and freelancers. Permanent employees with proven S/4 skills will quickly advance ranks within their companies. The S/4-savvy consultants surveyed in the report expect to charge between £650 and £749 per day. Experienced in-house specialists estimate a yearly salary of £100,000.

So, how should you go about gaining these career-critical skills?

Should You Become a Freelance S/4HANA Consultant?

Becoming an S/4HANA migration expert

Start small. There are plenty of resources available online for you to start getting your feet wet, most of them provided directly by SAP.

If you’re an ABAP developer, for example, SAP has made available for purchase a S/4HANA development guide. The e-book encourages you to combine your skills in ABAP, SAP Fiori, core data services, and more to master the end-to-end development process for SAP S/4HANA applications.

If you are looking for a broader perspective, SAP’s training academy has a complete set of in-depth courses. They come in both self-paced and instructor-led formats. Dive into your topic of choice and get certified. Once you’ve mastered the theory, find a project or job that gives you that real-world experience.

These are golden days for SAP consultants. Take advantage of it.

Want to make the most of S/4HANA’s career potential? Check out our comprehensive S/4HANA Careers Guide.

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