Growing your career: permanent & freelance IT Consultants

4 Indicators of a Successful IT Freelancer

With any self-employed activity, tracking your performance is necessary to identify what works and what needs to be improved to achieve optimum results. The slow summer months can be a good time to carry out this type of assessment and ensure you are doing the best you can to be a successful IT freelancer.

But what are the best indicators of success for your self-employed activity? Follow these key indicators to draw appropriate conclusions and make effective resolutions, both in terms of income and of work methods

Has your turnover increased compared to the previous year?

What was your turnover this past year? Was it higher or lower than the previous year? Although freelance income can vary widely from month-to-month, looking at the bigger picture will help you assess your performance. Compare this year’s figure with what you achieved the previous year over the same period. Deduct from it the percentage of evolution. If that percentage is negative, it might be time to change certain things.

When calculating your turnover, do not forget to take into account all your expenses. Then divide your total turnover by month to get a comprehensive overview of the year.

Did you have more expenses than last year?

Another indicator of the health of your one-person business is the total amount of your expenses, especially compared to the previous year. As a successful IT freelancer, your charges should be in theory low, especially if you carry out your tasks at the client’s office or from your own home.

If the expenses incurred are made in the interest of your activity and this has resulted in an increase in your gross turnover, this is a good sign. On the other hand, if your expenses have increased more than your earnings, you have things to ask yourself.

Are you managing your time well?

Time management is essential for any successful IT freelancer. You must organize your days to be as productive as possible while maintaining a healthy work-life balance. thinking of allowing yourself moments of rest.

But that is not all: as an successful IT freelancer, you must also reserve some time for housekeeping. Make sure you allocate time to deal with administrative duties, as well as to search for your next assignments.

Have you managed to retain customers this year?

Customer loyalty is a key indicator of a successful IT freelancer, as it reflects the ability to build trust and ensure satisfaction with clients. The higher your loyalty level, the more likely you are to be contacted again by this client. But you are also more likely to get good recommendations; the best asset for finding new assignments.

You can also look at your customer portfolio and calculate your average income per customer: you may find that some customers have asked for too much time compared to what they paid you.

If you are doing short assignments and a client represents almost all of your turnover, you are in a delicate situation that must be taken into account. You in danger of depending too much on this unique client. In the case of long missions, this indicator is obviously less relevant.

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Press review Tech Magazine

Weekly News: How Tech Is Rewiring our Brains

How Tech is rewiring our brains, a few bumps on the road for data science, new AI beats historic videogame trap; and the newest new Internet… Discover our weekly news about Tech & IT.

How Tech Is Rewiring our Brains – ‘We shape our tools, and thereafter our tools shape us.’

How Tech is rewiring our brains?

‘We shape our tools, and thereafter our tools shape us.’ Often mistakenly attributed to the philosopher Marshall McLuhan, this quote by John Culkin has become a symbol of the symbiotic relationship between humans and tech. 

Science writer Nicholas Carr took the concept to a new level in his 2010 book The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to our Brains. It was not that well-received at the time. But with every new app that changes the way we communicate and consume information, it gets clearer how relevant Carr’s work was and remains. 

In the book, Carr leaves moral judgements aside and urges us to approach technology from a position of understanding. 

Our brain is being rewired, pushed towards shorter attention spans and shallower forms of reading by feeds and visuals. Only by being aware of these effects, we will be able to stay in control.

Ten years after the book’s publication, Vox’s Ezra Klein sits down with Carr to discuss where we stand today. 

An interview worth checking out.

A few bumps on the road for data science

A new report by software provider Aanaconda sheds some light on the current state of data science and its role in the enterprise. Far from being a consolidated part of today’s business world, the discipline has yet to overcome a few key challenges before reaching maturity. 

Problems demonstrating ROI across the organisation. Difficulty integrating open-source tools. Attracting and retaining top talent. Tackling AI bias and ethics — quite the line-up. 

Thankfully, the report also provides specific recommendations on how to overcome these challenges. Taking a look at them won’t hurt.

New AI beats historic videogame trap

First released in 1979, Zork set a new standard for interactive, story-driven videogames. Rich in storytelling and equipped with advanced language syntax recognition, this text-based adventure prompted players to input actions at every step. 

Now, a new AI built by Georgia Tech and Microsoft Research has become the first to overcome one of the game’s most iconic bottlenecks (i.e. times where players tend to get trapped and die).

Named Q*BERT, the AI leverages NLP and reinforcement learning to avoid getting eaten by a ‘Grue’ monster whenever it moves without any lights around the game’s dungeons.

Also read our article: The Task of Rebuilding AI Infrastructure: Machines and the New Reality

The newest new Internet

Blockchain-powered Dfinity proposes a decentralized and non-proprietary type of network that takes the power away from existing monopolies. 

It does this by allowing for apps to be built and run on the network itself, rather than exist in data centres that are increasingly controlled by large companies like Facebook and Amazon.

This so-called ‘Internet Computer’ is now open to third-party developers and entrepreneurs in a bid to spur a new era of connectivity and development. 

Dfinity launched a privacy-friendly version of TikTok named CanCan to illustrate the platform’s power. Thanks to its architecture, the app is said to do in 1,000 lines of code what Facebook does in 62 million.

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Also discover our Weekly News: How brain-like should AI be?

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Interview Tips: 5 key questions to ask to an IT freelancer during an interview

What are the 5 questions to ask to an IT freelancer during an interview? The way companies approach the selection process for IT consultants might well have changed forever due to COVID-19. CIOs and HR experts have moved IT hiring online, and things seem likely to stay that way from now on. Among the benefits: greater schedule flexibility, agility no need for travel and other expenses, agility. But remote interviewing also has its downsides.

It can be tricky to properly assess things like soft skills and cultural fit when you are not face-to-face with a candidate. Asking the right questions is key to ensure you are making the best staffing decision. Whereas hiring the right IT freelancer will bring great benefits to your projects and team, enlisting the wrong person will only multiply your problems.

These are the 5 questions to ask to an IT freelancer during an interview and that you should always cover.

1# Have you ever worked on a similar project, and if so, for what type of client?

You have a project for which you are looking for a freelance professional. Whether you are looking for a web developer or a SAP expert, the technical nature of the mission requires in-depth know-how from the consultant. Thus, it is first necessary to verify that the candidate has the necessary expertise and experience.

You can first ask them if they have ever been confronted with a similar project, in order to find out more about their experience on this type of mission. Moreover, suggest that they detail their previous gigs, giving details on the technical and organizational context of those projects.

Then, ask them who their previous clients were, whether they were large accounts or smaller companies. If the candidate tells you that they already have one or more similar experience (s), in a company in your sector and with a similar context, this is a real advantage, as they should be operational very quickly.

2# Faced with this or that technical problem, what actions would you put in place?

Freelance experience is important, but to test your candidate’s technical skills, do not hesitate to ask them one or more very concrete questions directly related to your project. How would you resolve this incident? What type of functionality or solution would you develop? Which computer language seems to you the most suited to this situation?

First, asking a hypothetical problem allows you to test the candidate’s ability to solve a problem, as well as to evaluate their technical understanding of your project. This will also give you a good overview of their analytical skills, as well as the interest they have in the area and project.

3# Could you tell me about a difficulty you encountered during a previous project, and how you coped with it?

Don’t forget to check for the essential soft skills in IT. Since your freelance consultant will effectively be a member of your team, evaluating traits like their interpersonal skills will be fundamental.

To assess them, you can ask questions that highlight the candidate’s team spirit and communication skills, as well as their ability to manage conflict and crisis situations. Favour open-ended questions to let the candidate express themselves, revealing their personality.

4# What is your availability? And your rates?

Make sure that the candidate’s expectations correspond with the conditions you propose for the assignment. This is obviously valid for the economic compensation, but also for all others terms of the contract. Is the candidate willing to come work on your premises if the mission requires it? Or will they be able to work remotely, and under what conditions? Will they have to plan trips to other sites? Will their professional expenses be covered? As you can see, there are many finer, concrete points on which you must make sure you agree with your candidate.

Then, in terms of availability, you must ensure that the candidate’s situation is compatible with the calendar aspects of your mission. Ask the candidate for their exact date of availability, and if they have any foreseeable impediments (vacation, for example). Thus, meeting deadlines is a crucial element in any professional relationship. In the case of a long-term assignment, you must ensure that the freelancer will be able to engage for the duration of the project.

5# What kind of projects really fascinate you?

The last of the 5 questions to ask to an IT freelancer during an interview is about what is the difference between a good and an excellent candidate? Passion. A tech freelancer or IT consultant who is genuinely interested in the project they are working on will undoubtedly be more involved and more efficient than a candidate with a “mercenary” profile.

Finally, the question of motivation is a key question which is all too often forgotten by recruiters and hiring companies. And yet it often makes all the difference.

Are you looking for an IT consultant or tech freelancer and you don’t know how to go about it? Club Freelance is here to help you find the best candidate and support you throughout the recruitment process.

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Press review Tech Magazine

Weekly News: Remembering the Father of Mechanical Brains

Remembering the father of ‘mechanical brains’

British mathematician Alan Turing would have celebrated his 108th birthday this week. 

Regarded as the father of computer science and artificial intelligence, Turing played an instrumental role in deciphering the Nazi Enigma code during World War II. The communications intercepted thanks to his computational machine are said to have saved millions of lives.  

Sadly, Turing was never recognised in life for his many contributions to humankind — all on the basis of his sexual orientation. He died at a young age in tragic circumstances, after years of prosecution and forced chemical castration. 

Thankfully, our society has made major progress since then. But, as we celebrate Pride month, let his story serve as a reminder of why we need to keep fighting for universal LGTBQ rights.

If you are curious to see how little importance was given to Turing’s legacy at the time of his death, here’s the obituary that The Guardian wrote for this creator of ‘mechanical brains’.

Tech execs are regaining confidence

A new survey by global industry association CompTIA revealed that tech executives are feeling confident about an imminent return to normality. Around two-thirds of respondents believe things will be back on track by August, with business volume already beginning to pick up. 

Despite most companies have experienced at least some degree of client loss and restructuring, the sector has shown its resilience by maintaining solid activity levels throughout this crisis period.    Training is a focus for 70% of respondents, with soft and business skills being prioritized. Discover what business skills are the most demanded right now.

Apple has news for devs

After months of rumours and speculation, Apple finally announced it is abandoning Intel chips in favour of its own ARM-based processors. The custom-built silicon, which will debut in new systems by the end of the year, is said to deliver better performance at lower power consumption.

The company is releasing a developer transition kit (DTK) to let developers familiarize themselves with the new architecture. It’s basically a Mac mini on steroids, preloaded with everything you’ll need to start building your software. 

Find out how to request a unit.

Please find our secrets attached

COVID came and cyber security got trickier with the surge in remote employees and potentially hackable access points. This week, a WSJ survey revealed another major cause for concern for companies: rogue employees.    

About 70% of companies are worried about malicious employees leaking proprietary data or helping attackers get into enterprise networks. For all the advancements in security tools, limiting the harm that can be done by individual employees remains a challenge for most big companies. 

Ironically, the study was made public less than a week after a poll by Nordlocker showed that a preoccupying number of employees regularly share sensitive and confidential files via email. Not with malicious intent, though. 

News from the frontlines…

What’s tech doing this week about the coronavirus?  If it’s the U.K. we are talking about — starting again from scratch. 

Last week we wondered why the country’s authorities were silent regarding their NHS-sponsored app. Well, it turns out that the government is abandoning the app altogether, pursuing instead a new one based on the Apple-Google technology. 

However, the new app is not likely to come in time to be of any significance in the fight against the second wave of the virus this Fall. 

But there’s more — allegations have surfaced regarding the NHS’ obsession to shut down rival apps while its now-failed one was in development. Live and let live, as they say.

DSI challenges IT Decision-makers

IT Careers: These Business Skills Become Priority Amidst Pandemic

Making it through uncertain and changing times requires companies to be nimble, act fast and keep a big-picture mentality. At the organisational level, that means implementing smarter resource management and allocation; cutting down fat and focusing on the most future-proof lines of business. Discover these business skills that become priority amidst pandemic.

Although it might seem counterintuitive to a business world that has grown accustomed to laying off personnel whenever there is a crisis. Doubling down on human capital is key to the success of this strategy.  

Companies need the best talent when venturing into uncharted territory and, as we have discussed before, having a strong IT department is vital for the post-COVID enterprise. But what makes a strong IT department? 

Business Skills: The importance of business acumen  

Soft skills like communication and creativity have become a must-have for IT professionals. Now, InformationWeek’s analysis of a recent study by training firm Degreed suggests that IT pros should look to acquire business-related abilities as well.  

According to Degreed, in the December-March period, the number of clients who searched for business-related trainings to upskill their workforce increased. On the other hand, queries for IT-specific trainings took a considerable dive.  

The change of focus makes sense. As higher-level business and management skills can help a great deal in navigating change and identifying new opportunities. For IT professionals and technical profiles, making a lateral career move to become more business-savvy can prove very beneficial.  

The most coveted business skills 

Based on Degreed’s data, these are the business-related skills for which demand has increased the most since the start of the pandemic, from least to most:  


This one is a no-brainer. Now more than ever, senior IT experts must know how to effectively take the lead to ensure the proper innovations are implemented across the board. Team management, setting goals and tracking progress, spearheading interdepartmental cooperation. These skills often make the difference between an IT expert and an IT leader.   


What used to be something for lawyers to worry about is becoming part of everyone’s work life. Especially in areas like IT or marketing, where data privacy regulations keep getting stricter; there is a clear advantage to having specialists who know how to avoid legal minefields in their day-to-day.  

In data science and analytics, for example, countless hours of legal review can be saved if those building the models know exactly what they can and cannot do.  

Data analytics 

Speak of the devil… as we have discussed above, not everything in data analysis is about data acumen. In fact, successful data analysts and scientists possess a combination of complementary skills. For technical profiles, being fluent in the business domain where they operate is key to delivering better and more actionable data insights.  

Microsoft Power BI 

One of the most prevalent and accessible data visualisation tools out there. Microsoft Power BI is a business intelligence platform that caters to business users. As an IT professional, knowing your way around MS Power BI will make you a great asset in today’s enterprise. There is always going to be someone in need of an expert to help them set up the environment, train end-users and troubleshoot.  


Helping others succeed should be every coach’s main goal. This is achieved through motivational support, understanding and the potentiation of individual and collective strengths. Being able to help in that regard makes for a great addition to the team.  

In IT, the emergence of new standards of working and team organisation; like Agile or Scrum; is making the figure of the coach an even more important one.   

Six Sigma 

Devised by Motorola engineer Bill Smith in 1986, Six Sigma is a set of tools for process improvement. Its focus: to streamline business processes while minimising the probability of errors. Six Sigma is now standard for many companies, so it can be worth picking it up.   

Change Management 

As this whole crisis is demonstrating, managing change is no easy task. One of today’s most repeated business terms, change management refers to the series of processes involved in helping an organisation or industry transition to a new reality. Change management takes into account all stakeholders involved in and necessary for this transition; employing a mix of communication; training and restructuring to effect change.   

Design Thinking 

Based on how designers are taught to approach problems, design thinking is a way of looking at the world as much as it is a method for developing better and more efficient solutions. The strategy parts from putting oneself in the shoes of the end-user, designing the product for what it needs to be in addition to what we want to be. Clearly, a useful methodology when designing apps and platforms.   

Looking for your next star hire or the next step in your career? Club Freelance is here to help you.

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ERP & SAP Job Descriptions

SAP S/4HANA Overview

S/4HANA represents one of today’s most buoyant areas of enterprise IT. Investing time in developing your S/4 expertise can lead to a very successful and reliable career. But what is this new iteration of SAP’s ERP all about? How does it differ from its predecessor, ECC6? Time for a quick overview of SAP S/4HANA. 

S/4HANA is short for “Simplified For HANA (Hi-Performance Analytical Appliance).” While ECC6 objective is to run on a variety of databases from vendors such as Oracle or IBM, S/4HANA; as its name suggests; can only operate on SAP HANA. Launched in 2015, SAP’s in-memory database allows for increase data access speed and greater live data analysis capabilities. This is a key advantage in the era of the connected enterprise and data insights. Additionally, a different column-based data organisation allows for the reduction of the number of databases needed to integrate all the information. This allows to streamline and speed up data analysis. 

But let’s dive into the details of this overview of SAP S/4HANA.

SAP S/4HANA vs ECC6: A New UX 

Additionally, S/4HANA comes with significant updates. Among the most immediately noticeable changes is the system’s reliance on the SAP Fiori 3 UX. The new user experience streamlines day-to-day use of the platform for both developers and end-users. 

Learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of SAP

Module updates and data integration 

Another big change introduced by S/4HANA comes in terms of module and component organisation.  

Firstly, data from what were two separate modules; Financial Accounting (FI) and Controlling (CO); is now integrated into a single pool of information: the Universal Journal. The new arrangement allows users and business managers to make better and faster decisions from a more holistic financial and management perspective.  

By integrating all accounting-relevant information from various components into a single, universal journal, S/4HANA speeds up data processes by eliminating redundancies and data reconciliation. The result is a data insights ecosystem that puts less strain on the system and has a reduced memory footprint. 

Embedded analytics and Machine Learning 

Additionally, a built-in data analytics module further supports this integrated data processing approach. Embedded Analytics leverages SAP ABAP Core Data Services technology to create Virtual Data Models out of operational data and provide real-time operational reporting. In other words, everything that business users need to operate from a smart business cockpit packed with data insights and forward-looking tools.  

Furthermore, embedded Machine Learning capabilities push these predictive tools to a new level, allowing companies to build smart applications like predictive pricing and maintenance. 

Greenfield vs. Brownfield implementation

First of all, it is important to note that not all S/4HANA migration projects work in the same way, and therefore, the expertise you will require and obtain will depend on the type of project you are involved in. 

A greenfield implementation refers to the process of adopting S/4HANA and designing its ERP system from scratch. This approach parts from the business and operational needs of the system to then come up with the technical infrastructure that will make it possible. Greenfield projects can be applied when an organization has no previous ERP system or processes in place, as well as when it wants to design a completely new one.

Conversely, brownfield implementations part from already present processes or systems and convert them to the S/4HANA platform. This process involves the revision of the entire previous ecosystem and then the optimisation of existing processes. Companies who are already working with SAP’s previous suite (ECC6 and want to upgrade to S/4HANA, often apply it.


Preparation is fundamental. A successful migration to S/4HANA is dependent on the proper outlining of a series of key processes. Since the ERP suite has a one source of truth approach, these involve integrating all relevant data into the same data pools. The processes will be approached differently in greenfield and brownfield migrations.

For example, all accounting-related data will be entered once into the Universal Journal. A similar process will be carried out to unify all partner-related information into the Business Partner data pool.  A thorough mapping and configuration of New Asset Accounting will be required to migrate to S/4HANA finance, etc.

The team in charge of the migration will need to make an inventory of all preexisting data sets and figure out a way of adapting them to the S/4HANA ecosystem. These processes involve a lot of data cleaning and reconciliation and can take a lot of time. However, companies must ensure they put enough focus on this step, as it will serve as the backbone on which to build a next-generation ERP and a truly intelligent digital enterprise.

This overview of SAP S/4HANA piqued your interest? Want to make the most of S/4HANA’s career potential? Check out also our comprehensive S/4HANA Careers Guide.

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Weekly News: Robots take the streets

Robots take the streets; Contact tracing apps are here; The cloud’s about to burst; News from the frontlines… Discover Weekly Tech & IT News.

Robots take the streets & make their first en-masse appearance

A news article on pizza-delivering robots. Amazon and its flashy drones. That friendly robot shaking your hand at an industry conference. 

Robots had long appeared ready to make the jump to public life. But it took a pandemic to finally start turning the hype into reality. That is, of course, aside from industrial automation. 

As humans fled streets and public buildings seeking refuge from the virus, robots started pitching in and even replacing them. Grocery delivery, temperature screening, sanitation, information — you name it. 

However convenient robots might be, their growing presence has some people worried. One can understand why when learning about Singapore’s park-patrolling, robotic dogs, which kindly remind you of your social distancing obligations whenever you get to close to another person.

Here’s The Guardian’s look at that and other examples of this rise of the machines.

Contact tracing apps are here

After much debate and speculation around the viability and safety of relying on mobile apps to carry out large-scale contact tracing, the use of these apps is spreading. 

Germany launched this week its own version, which is based on the platform created by the Apple-Google partnership. Switzerland, Ireland and Austria are conducting testing, while Japan is expected to announce a Microsoft-powered solution later this week. 

Unfortunately, not everything is going well for all those in these arena. After starting testing in the Isle of Wight, the U.K. has gone quiet about its NHS-developed app. Experts in the matter point at the lack of adoption and Bluetooth problems as the most likely culprits behind the authorities’ silence.  

Meanwhile, Norway has put on hold its centralized app after a privacy watchdog denounced its unnecessary use of users’ GPS.

Contact tracing apps are here

The cloud’s about to burst

We recently discussed the cloud’s key role in a post-COVID business world. New developments and information keep highlighting the surge in cloud adoption. 

A new study by O’Reilly Media published this week revealed that over 88% of businesses are on the cloud, with most of them expecting to grow their usage in the upcoming months. Furthermore, a staggering 25% of respondents said their companies plan to move all their applications to the cloud in the near future. 

Beyond these headline findings, the survey confirms the popularity of the multi-cloud and of microservices. Amazon AWS reigns supreme, followed by Microsoft Azure. 

Just this week, Microsoft provided more details on how the increase in cloud demand is affecting its infrastructure, forcing the company to expand Azure capacity and implement smarter workload distribution.

Discover our article: Data security : Is your cloud data secure?

The cloud's about to burst

News from the frontlines…

A look at what how technology can help in the fight against the virus.  

AI can be used in a number of ways to limit the spread of infections, carry out faster diagnostics and provide better patient treatment. From optimizing the use of human resources at the hospital level to the triage of patients, here’s what AI can do.     

Amazon revealed a new AI-powered monitoring tool to help its warehouse employees maintain social distancing. The system, which gives live feedback via TV screens, has been met with backlash by workers and the public alike.

Discover our article about AI for recruitment: How AI will allow recruiters to focus on people

News from the frontlines...

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Job Descriptions Web Developer

React.js Developer : Job Description

Use our template to create a compelling and comprehensive React.js Dev job description to attract top talent.

In the field of web development, there is a diversity of jobs depending on the programming language or environment concerned web developer, full-stack developer, swift developer, node.js developer… The React.js Developer is among these different specializations.

React.js is a JavaScript code library used for creating user interfaces. React.js developers are mainly responsible for front-end web application development.

Discover the 10 of the Best SAP Experts in Germany to Follow Online

What is the role of a React.js Developer?

User interface development

Firstly, the main mission of the developer React.js lies in front-end development. Using the JavaScript library allows coders to quickly develop user interfaces. React.js is generally used for creating projects that require a certain aestheticism. Easier to read and write than PHP and offering good performance; React.js quickly won over the developers community and its adoption keeps on growing within the industry.

Unit testing

Further, performing unit tests makes it possible to verify that the developed application works perfectly and does not have any problem with its code linking.

In addition, it is a guarantee of quality that the developer must not neglect in their activities to perfectly meet the expectations of the client or project.

Writing technical documents

To avoid misunderstandings and to better cater to the end user’s needs, React.js developers may also be required to write technical documents.

Required skills of the React.js Developer

Mastery of languages

These developers must, of course, master the React environment.

For instance, being familiar with other languages ​​such as HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and a number of APIs… Technical tools and frameworks related to web development are also great complementary assets.


Moreover, the developer must be curious about the advances in web environments and cutting-edge technologies. In order to apply the latest innovations to the design of interfaces.


The web environment is constantly evolving with new tools and languages. This requires developers to be also able to easily adapt to the changing ecosystem to remain at the forefront of development.

Within the industry

React.js was created in 2013 by Facebook to manage the network’s news feed. Instagram, Netflix, Airbnb or even WhatsApp use this library.

React appeals to developers because of its quick interface creation capabilities and ease of use.

Salary of the React.js Developer

The average daily rate of a React.js Developer fluctuates between €350 and €500.

Training of the React.js Developer

To become a React.js Developer, it is recommended to follow a computer engineering training specializing in web development. More specifically in React.js

Discover all the web development programming skills and professions

Growing your career: permanent & freelance IT Consultants

The Ultimate S/4HANA Careers Guide

Looking for the definitive S/4HANA careers guide? Here’s an overview of everything you need to know about pursuing a career in the new incarnation of SAP’s ERP; S/4HANA.

The clock is ticking for companies across the globe to migrate to SAP’s next-generation ERP suite. With the German company discontinuing official support for its currently most used ERP (ECC6) in 2030; those businesses working with the legacy software must now go through the lengthy and resource-intensive process. And that is great news for you. 

​​Although S/4 is the future of SAP ERP and organisations adopting SAP for the first time are jumping directly into the newer platform; expertise in S/4 remains elusive as many companies are still waiting to carry out the migration.

Whether you are interested in learning more about S/4HANA or you would like to expand your expertise, these are golden days for SAP specialists. The generational change in both the workforce and SAP’s ERP offers an unparalleled opportunity for consultants and in-house talent alike. Take advantage of it. Develop your S/4 expertise with this S/4HANA careers guide. The rewards will be plentiful.

Discover more about what is ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)

About S/4HANA 

S/4HANA careers guide: About S/4HANA

Any S/4HANA careers guide should start by clarifying exactly what S/4HANA is.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are all-encompassing software toolsets with capabilities extending across most business functions and departments. From accounting and human resources to procurement and supply chain management, ERP software allows organisations to easily plan and execute operations from a single platform. The speed, efficiency and cohesiveness derived from its use have made ERP a staple of business management. As well as one of the most profitable specialisations in the IT world.

S/4HANA is SAP’s response to the enterprise’s move to the cloud and its need for faster data processing. Half of all business data is estimated to be already in the cloud. More and more companies are taking business-critical applications off-premises, and few applications are more critical than ERP systems. At the same time, the modern enterprise requires data insights and operational efficiency that were simply out of reach for legacy ERP software. 

Labelled as SAP’s next-generation ERP, S/4HANA will effectively replace the ubiquitous ECC6 suite. When official support for the latter is discontinued in 2030.

Migration to S/4Hana

The migration to S/4HANA, has many steps and can accommodate several approaches. Companies moving into the new ecosystem can do so by building on top of already existing systems or by starting anew (brownfield vs. greenfield implementation). Regardless of the chosen approach, however, you can be sure of one thing: all projects start with the blueprinting

Here you can get an overview of SAP S/4HANA and its differences with ECC6 here.

Why now is the time to get into S/4HANA 

S/4HANA careers guide: Why now is the time to get into S/4HANA

As a world-leading ERP provider, SAP provides a comprehensive catalogue of solutions that only experts can implement and help run smoothly. Accordingly, there is a constant stream of demand for IT professionals with SAP skills. What’s more: demand outweighs supply in some areas of expertise. Chief among these is S/4HANA.

According to a report by Resulting IT, only 8% of organisations using ECC have made the transition to the new iteration of SAP’s software suite. That is alarming, especially considering that the report estimates the current product set has over 400 million lines of code and many companies have invested millions customizing it. These will have to be re-written when moving to S/4HANA. But that’s just the beginning of the story.

When it comes to S/4HANA, the difficulties in finding talent that is well-versed in the new environment multiply. There is a generalised lack of experience in the live or near go-live stages of the transition. Although 48% of SAP specialists declare having been involved in S/4 projects. A significant portion of these are solutions architects. And therefore only have experience in the early blueprinting stages of the project. 

Couple that with the fact that; just in the UK alone; 40% of SAP experts plan to retire within the next 10 years, and we are looking at the perfect storm. 

Learn more about why the global S/4HANA migration is a golden opportunity for IT professionals.

The different roles within S/4HANA 

S/4HANA careers guide: The different roles within S/4HANA

The expertise that you will develop and need will vary depending on the type of projects you take.

Additionally, and just as with ECC6, there are two main categories of S/4HANA expert profiles: functional and technical. These two categories often overlap with one another, and the best specialists have a combination of the two. 

Go beyond this S/4HANA careers guide and learn more about all the different roles within S/4HANA.

Developing your S/4HANA expertise

S/4HANA careers guide: Developing your S/4HANA expertise

At the theoretical level, the best way to go about honing your S/4HANA skills is to resort to SAP’s official learning portal, SAP Training. There you can find a myriad of courses and certifications that will help you master the various tools in S/4.  

While the courses are free, you must pay a fee to obtain the official certification. But we highly recommend you do so, since they are a great measurement of how prepared you are and validate your expertise in front of the SAP community. They will look great on your CV 

The courses and certifications are a good option for newcomers to the SAP ecosystem. But also for seasoned professionals looking to upskill and add new S/4HANA capabilities to their toolset.  

Here’s how and why you should pursue SAP S/4HANA certifications.

Finding your career path in S/4HANA 

No matter how good your S/4HANA careers guide is, and in addition to learning the basics and getting certified, you must get real-world experience working with S/4HANA. The way to go about it will depend on how many S/4 projects you have previously collaborated with, as well as your knowledge of ERP systems and business domains.

To those who are completely new to S/4HANA, it can be challenging to get a job in a field that requires previous experience. But you can get around this barrier.

Be ready to take a pay cut in exchange for a role in S/4HANA projects, even if it is through positions that are more junior than those you would normally pursue. Think of it as an investment in your future. Make sure to highlight the suitable skills that you already possess, like ERP expertise or knowledge in and business.  

S/4HANA careers guide: Finding your career path in S/4HANA

The importance of attending events

You should also keep an eye open for any relevant industry and networking events. Attending will give you a better feel for what it is like to work in S/4 and will provide you with actionable tips on how to build your career. You can even often find companies looking for new talent among attendees. 

Re-orient your CV to highlight your S/4 focus and skills. Present yourself not as an IT expert with S/4 know-how, but as an expert in S/4HANA. Try to get involved in a wider variety of projects that allow you to build deeper and more comprehensive expertise. Again, industry events are highly recommended to stay up-to-date with current trends and best practices and network with other professionals. Keep learning. Stay tuned regarding software updates, new certifications.

There is always room for improvement. Once you have some S/4HANA experience on your back, focus on becoming a true expert in the technology. 

Looking for career inspiration? Here’s an example of the career path of an SAP consultant.

Freelancing or in-house 

S/4HANA careers guide: Freelancing or in-house

In addition to cultivating your S/4HANA skills, you must define a career strategy. What’s the best way of becoming a highly coveted expert? There is not a simple answer to this question. Especially since the rapid evolution of the talent market has blurred the traditional line between permanent contracts and freelancing. 

Permanent position & Freelancing paths

A permanent position offers you greater stability and social protections. Giving you access to more economic benefits, like unemployment and certain contract regulations. It also lets you enjoy the totality of a company’s corporate benefits, whether it’s paid tuition or a gym membership. Something you wouldn’t have access to as an independent employee. This can be decisive in newer fields like S/4HANA, since you might be able to benefit from free training and career development programs.

On the other hand, freelancing makes it easier for you to develop a wider range of skills by working on different projects. This broader experience is very attractive to employers. At the same time, businesses are more likely to hire freelancers for S/4HANA projects, as there is a shortage of skilled workers and S/4 implementations often have a specific duration.

Independent workers must deal with limited social protections, fluctuating activity and internal red tape. However, the average daily rate of SAP freelancers is well above the average rate of salaried employees in most countries. They also express high levels of job satisfaction, with 4-out-of-5 freelancers claiming to be happy with their lifestyle.


Depending on the stage of your life cycle you find yourself in, you’ll tend to favour one option over the other, and that’s totally fine. Both paths are complementary and have their perks and disadvantages. Additionally, the relative novelty of S/4HANA is a key factor to consider when making your decision.  

Here are some questions you should ask yourself before becoming a freelance S/4HANA consultant.

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Weekly News: Artificial Stupidity and Racial Bias

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Artificial Stupidity and Racial Bias

Microsoft’s AI news editor confuses mixed-race singers

Last week, The Guardian revealed Microsoft’s plans to fire the human editors in charge of its news portal. Their replacement? A new artificial intelligence software. 

Unfortunately for the company, the decision took less than a week to backfire. Instead of delivering proof of Microsoft’s AI prowess, the move served as the perfect example of the dangers of AI’s racial bias.

In the midst of a global call for racial equality, Microsoft’s robot editor sparked public outrage when it illustrated a news story about racism with the picture of the wrong mixed-race member of the band Little Mix.

Lots to think about here.  


Microsoft’s demise might have provided the perfect opportunity for IBM to score major PR points against one of its main competitors.

The company had earlier announced it was halting its facial recognition initiatives, citing concerns around racial profiling and surveillance by law enforcement agencies. 

Unfortunately for IBM, only hours later, its cloud platform suffered a serious global outage, bringing down customer websites and other services. 

Back to square one.

Don’t neglect cyber security

Japanese car maker Honda was hit by a cyber attack that impacted worldwide operations. 

The attack, thought by security experts to have been caused by Ekans (or Snake) ransomware, spread quickly throughout the company’s network, allegedly affecting production, sales and development. 

Cyber attacks are on the rise since the start of the pandemic, highlighting the importance of having a proper risk management strategy in place. 

Worried about cyber security? Take these 10 simple steps to protect your organisation.

News from the frontlines…

Technology is playing an important role in the fight against the virus.  

The U.K.’s health secretary, Matt Hancock, praised tech’s COVID-19 response during his talk at CogX, an annual global leadership summit focused on artificial intelligence. Hancock declared tech the backbone of the country’s testing program and discussed its upcoming contact tracing app.     

A new study commissioned by Kaspersky Labs revealed how technology is helping people overcome loneliness by keeping them connected through the pandemic.

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